Perryville 2159
River to the beginning point of the First District, said point being the
centerline of the B. & O. Railroad, thence in an Easterly direction along
the centerline of the B. & O. Railroad to the point of beginning, said area
to be represented by [one commissioner] two commissioners residing in
the area.
In the event no person shall file for commissioners to represent a cer-
tain district or should the number of candidates from any one district be
less than that required to be elected for said district, then in that event,
any person desiring to be elected as a commissioner, regardless of in which
district they reside may file for such vacancy to represent that district
within ten days after the closing date for nominations.
Section 2. And be it further resolved that the date of adoption of this
Resolution is February 16, 1970, and the reenactment and amendments to
the Charter of the Commissioners of Perryville, Town of Perryville, hereby
enacted shall become effective on March 31, 1970, unless a proper petition
for a referendum herein shall be filed as permitted by law, provided a com-
plete and exact copy of this Resolution shall be posted in the Town Hall of
Perryville until March 31, 1970, and provided, further, that a copy of the
title of this Resolution shall be published in the Cecil Whig, a newspaper
of general circulation in the Town of Perryville, once in each of the weeks
of February 18, February 25, March 4 and March 11, 1970.
Section 3. And be it further resolved that the President of the Com-
missioners of Perryville, be and he is hereby specifically enjoined and in-
structed to carry out the provisions of Section 2 hereof and as evidence
of said compliance the President of the Commissioners of Perryville shall
cause to be affixed to the minutes of this meeting appropriate certificates
of publication of the newspaper in which the title of this Resolution shall
have been published and shall declare the charter amendment hereby en-
acted to be effected by affixing his signature hereto in the space provided
on the effective date hereof.
Section 4. And be it further resolved that as soon as the charter
amendments hereby enacted shall become effective either as herein pro-
vided, or following a referendum, the President of the Commissioners of
Perryville shall send separately by registered mail to the Secretary of
State of Maryland, and to the Department of Legislative Reference, the
following information concerning the charter amendments:
1. The complete text of Section 291 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Cecil County (1961 Edition) as hereby amended.
2. The date of the referendum election, if any, held with respect
3. The number of votes cast for and against the question containing
the charter amendment whether by the Commissioners of the Town of
Perryville or in a referendum.
4. The effective date of the charter amendment.
The charter amendment enacted by the aforegoing Resolution shall
become effective the 31st day of March, 1970.
By: Donald B. Whitaker, President
Robert S. Lay, Secretary