2158 Municipal Charters
Maryland, and said section being a part of the Charter of the Town of
Perryville, be, and the same is hereby partially repealed and re-enacted
with amendments to read as follows:
All powers of the Town shall be vested in a Board of Commissioners
consisting of [five] six commissioners who shall be elected from a total of
three districts as hereinafter provided and who shall hold office for a term
of one year or until the succeeding Board of Commissioners takes office.
The regular term of commissioners shall expire on the second Monday
following the election of their successors. Commissioners shall have re-
sided in the Town for at least one year immediately preceding their elec-
tion and shall be both, qualified voters of the Town and own real estate to
the value of five hundred dollars. No commissioner shall receive any com-
pensation for his services as such. There shall be two commissioners
elected from the First District as follows:
First District: The First District shall comprise all that area begin-
ning at a point on the East bank of the Susquehanna River where the
centerline of the B. & O. Railroad bridge crosses said river, thence in an
Easterly direction along said centerline of the B. & O. Railroad to a point
where same intersects the Pennsylvania Railroad's Baltimore to Harrisburg
line, thence in a Southerly direction along the centerline of said Pennsyl-
vania Railroad to a point where the Easternmost spur crosses the center-
line of Broad Street and/or State Highway Route No. 7, thence in an
Easterly direction along the centerline of said Route No. 7 to the extreme
Easternmost boundary line of the Town of Perryville, thence in a South-
erly direction along said Town boundary and following same to Mill Creek
and continuing on along the Southernmost boundary line between Perry
Point Veterans Hospital grounds and Perryville limits, to the Eastern bank
of the Susquehanna River, thence along the Eastern bank of said river
to point of beginning, said area to be represented by two commissioners
residing therein.
There shall be two commissioners elected from the Second District as
Second District: The Second District shall comprise all that area
beginning at a point in the centerline of Route No. 7 where the Eastern-
most Town Boundary crosses said highway, thence in a Northerly direc-
tion along said Eastern Town Boundary to where same crosses the center-
line of the B. & O. Railroad, thence in a Westerly direction along said
centerline of the B. & O. Railroad to a point where the B. & O. Railroad
bridge crosses the centerline of the Pennsylvania Railroad's Baltimore to
Harrisburg line, thence in a Southerly direction along said centerline of
the Pennsylvania Railroad to the point where the easternmost railroad
spur crosses the centerline of Broad Street and/or State Highway Route
No. 7 to place of beginning, said area to be represented by two commis-
sioners residing therein.
There shall be [one commissioner] two commissioners elected from
the Third District as follows:
Third District: The Third District shall comprise all that area begin-
ning at a point in the centerline of the B. & O. Railroad where the East-
ern Town Boundary crosses same, thence in a Northerly direction along
said Eastern boundary to the Northernmost Town Boundary thence in a
Westerly direction by and with the Northern Town Boundary to a point
where same intersects the Eastern bank of the Susquehanna River, thence
in a Southerly direction along said Eastern Bank of the Susquehanna