North Beach 2135
and in such incidents consistent with the Public General and Local Laws
of Maryland, for the purposes of regulations and revenue and to protect
the health, safety, and morals of the citizens of the Town, all and every
kind of business transacted or carried on within the Town, and to fix the
rate of licenses upon the same [in an amount not to exceed Twenty-five
($25.00) Dollars per annum in each case], and to provide for the collection
thereof by suit or otherwise.
(b) Community Antenna Television. The Mayor and Council shall
have the power to grant a license or franchise for the installation and
operation of a Community Antenna Television System within the corpo-
rate limits of the City, and to provide by ordinance for such regulations,
provisions, and conditions of said license or franchise which are in the
public interest, and to fix a reasonable annual fee to be paid to the City by
the holder of said license or franchise.
([b]c) Penalties. To give full force and effect to the powers and
authority conferred on the Mayor and Council, they may provide for the
enforcement of such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties not to
exceed Fifty ($50.00) Dollars in any one case as may appear to them
right, and they may recover said fines or penalty by action of debt, and in
addition thereto any offender in default of fine may be imprisoned until
the fine be paid not exceeding thirty (30) days, imprisonment in all cases
to be in the Town lockup if one be provided, or in the County Jail, and the
Sheriff or Chief of Police of Prince George's County shall receive and con-
fine any person so committed as now provided by law. All such Town cases
shall be tried in the Trial Magistrate's Court for Prince George's County,
as now provided by law."
Introduced for first reading on March 4, 1970.
Approved and adopted by the Mayor and City Council on April 15, 1970.
John F. King, Mayor.
Earl C. Klinger, Administrative Officer
Calvert County
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
Bureau of Governmental Research
College of Business and Public Administration
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
June 1962
Completely revised
Passed by Resolution
1. The inhabitants of the Town of North Beach in Calvert County,
Maryland within the corporate limits legally established from time to time
are hereby continued a body corporate by the name of "The Town of North