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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1876   View pdf image
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1876                             Joint Resolutions

Whereas, The construction of such a Trade Center in the Inner
Harbor Area of Baltimore City would be beneficial to the State, the
City of Baltimore, and to the Maryland Port Authority; and

Whereas, The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Transpor-
tation thoroughly reviewed the status of the financial plan for the
World Trade Center and urges that immediate action be taken to
reach a decision concerning the plan. The Committee recommends
that measures be taken to encourage private enterprise to partici-
pate in the construction in the manner now proposed to finance the
construction of the World Trade Center. It is the opinion of the
Committee that the importance of the World Trade Center to the
economy and prestige of the State demands the highest priority be
given toward completing this project; and

Whereas, The proposal to construct such a Trade Center has been
presented to the Board of Public Works which has not taken action
on said proposal, and it is essential that such action be taken with-
out delay; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Board
of Public Works is requested to take whatever action is necessary
to either approve or disapprove the proposal before it to construct
a World Trade Center in the Inner Harbor Area of Baltimore City
so that positive action can be initiated for its construction; and be
it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate send copies of this
Resolution to the Governor of Maryland, the State Treasurer, the
State Comptroller, the Secretary of the Department of Transporta-
tion, and the Executive Director of the Maryland Port Authority.

* Not approved by the Governor.

No. 78*
(House Joint Resolution 64)

House Joint Resolution requesting the Legislative Council to study
the Constitutional provisions relating to the budgetary process for
the Judicial Branch of the State government.

Whereas, The budget of the Judicial Branch of the State Govern-
ment will undergo a significant increase during the 1972 fiscal year
because of the assumption by the State of the financing of the
District Court System; and

Whereas, Proposals to transfer to the State the Judicial functions
currently financed by the counties and Baltimore City could in subse-
quent years result in an increase in the State budget for the Judicial
Branch of Government in excess of twenty million dollars
($20,000,000); and

Whereas, A recent study of the Public Defender's Office has rec-
ommended the creation of a State Public Defender's office estimated


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1876   View pdf image
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