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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1875   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1875

restoration would be at once effected if the cloud of the highway
threat was removed; and

Whereas, Other East Coast seaport cities have already lost their
waterfront residential areas to industry and are moving to re-create
them, while Baltimore enjoys the position of having its premier
waterfront community restored by private persons and private funds;

Whereas, Cities are presently losing population due to the rush to
the suburbs, and the preservation of Fells Point would keep a de-
veloping city community intact and maintain a place unique to the
city which would add beauty to the city and attract tourism; and

Whereas, To allow the destruction of Fells Point, the State of
Maryland would be going against its tradition of preserving areas of
historical value; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Gover-
nor be requested to appoint a Commission to study and make recom-
mendations on the preservation of Fells Point in Baltimore; and be
it further

Resolved, That the Commission consist of seven members, the
chairman of which to be named by the Governor at the time of the
appointment of the members.

* Not approved by the Governor.

No. 77 *
(Senate Joint Resolution 91)

Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works to
take whatever action is necessary to either approve or disapprove
the proposal before it to construct a World Trade Center in the
Inner Harbor Area of Baltimore City so that positive action can
be initiated for its construction.

Whereas, The Maryland Port Authority has initiated action for
the construction of a World Trade Center to be located in the Inner
Harbor Area of Baltimore City; and

Whereas, The Maryland Port Authority has volunteered to ad-
vance the funds necessary for the construction of the foundation to
the City of Baltimore; and

Whereas, The City of Baltimore is to reimburse the Maryland
Port Authority for such an advance at the rate of $300,000 per year
until the advance has been repaid; and

Whereas, A private corporation has indicated that it will fund
the construction of the World Trade Center on said foundation; and

Whereas, The private corporation has agreed to lease approxi-
mately 50,000 square feet of office space to the Maryland Port Au-
thority at current market costs for such space; and


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1875   View pdf image
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