1862 Joint Resolutions
and Baltimore County be requested to conduct a study to determine
whether the Baltimore Probation Department and the Baltimore
County Probation Department should be integrated into the State
Division of Parole and Probation.
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Department
heads of the State Division of Parole and Probation, Baltimore City
Probation Department, and the Baltimore County Probation De-
Approved May 17, 1971.
No. 60
(House Joint Resolution 32)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor's Commission on
Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice to study the
feasibility of a pilot project of early release of persons charged
with misdemeanors and petty offenses, on their honor or recogni-
zance, prior to arraignment, if verified information documents a
defendant's roots in the community.
Whereas, The Manhattan Summons Project is the forerunner of a
procedure whereby persons charged with certain misdemeanors and
petty offenses are released on their honor or recognizance if an
interview and investigation at the stationhouse proves them to be
persons with roots in the community. Those persons who prove
eligible for early release under this program are given a summons
to appear at a later time in lieu of arrest and a setting of bail; and
Whereas, The Manhattan Summons Project has been successful
over the past several years and the summons investigation has proven
to be a reliable technique for identifying those defendants who will
appear in court when required; and
Whereas, The benefits of this project would be numerous in that
it would free the policeman to return to patrol instead of waiting at
the station house for a hearing; it would alleviate overcrowded deten-
tion facilities; it would permit more efficient court scheduling; it
would give attorneys more time to prepare their cases; it would
allow defendants to avoid long detention thereby being able to keep
their jobs, stay with their families, and prepare their defenses and
would benefit the community in the long run in increased police
protection and decreased detention and welfare costs; now, therefore,
be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Governors
Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice is
requested to study the feasibility of a pilot project of early release
of persons charged with misdemeanors and petty offenses, on their
honor or recognizance, prior to arraignment, if verified information
documents a defendant's roots in the community; and be it further