1858 Joint Resolutions
Whereas, The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission has
already recognized that prospects for a dangerous shortage of usable
water are increasing rapidly and has recommended steps to prevent
and correct this potential crisis; and
Whereas, The Congress of the United States last year enacted the
Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Act of 1970 after deleting appropria-
tions for the Verona and Sixes Bridge Dams; and
Whereas, Action must be started now to insure that the people of
suburban THE MARYLAND SUBURBS OF Washington, D. C, will
not face a disastrous water shortage; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Ninety-
Second Congress is hereby urged to swiftly enable the Army Corps
of Engineers to proceed with plans for the Verona and Sixes Bridge
Dams as originally proposed in the Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill
and to provide adequate funding for those projects; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Members of
the Maryland Congressional Delegation.
Approved May 17, 1971.
No. 55
(Senate Joint Resolution 78)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Joint Budget and Audit Com-
mittee to undertake a thorough study of the methods of design
and construction of school buildings in order to reduce school con-
struction costs.
Whereas, Governor Marvin Mandel has proposed that the State
assume the complete cost of constructing public schools in Maryland;
Whereas, The cost of public school construction has risen sharply
in Maryland during recent years; and
Whereas, Increase in costs of materials as well as labor costs have
contributed to this rise in cost. The continued use of conventional
design methods have also been a significant element in this rise; and
Whereas, Standardization of design could lead to reduction in
architect's fees which are a part of construction costs; and
Whereas, Standardization of design could conceivably result in
more economical and improved construction; and
Whereas, The assumption by the State of the entire cost of school
construction makes it imperative that the most economical methods
of the design and construction of public schools be utilized so that
the maximum amount of school facilities can be obtained from the ex-
penditures of State funds; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Joint
Budget and Audit Committee is requested to conduct a complete