Marvin Mandel, Governor 1789
The term "bar association" as used in Rule BVI b of the Maryland
Rules shall mean, as to a county bar association, that association
with the greatest number of members who are residents of said
county and who maintain their principal office for the practice of law
in the county; provided, however, that in Howard County, the term
"practice of law" shall mean "the full-time practice of law in Howard
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate preser-
vation of the public health and safety and having been passed by a
yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths of all the members elected
to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly of Maryland,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 28, 1971.
(House Bill 1341)
AN ACT to add new Section 230A to the Code of Public Local Laws
of Harford County (1965 Edition, being Article 13 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Harford County," subtitle
"County Commissioners," to follow immediately after Section 230
thereof, to provide for the establishment of The Harford Center,
a quasi-corporation in Harford County, and generally relating to
its purposes, powers, facilities, financial support, reporting, and
alternate programs.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 230A be and it is hereby added to the Code of
Public Local Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, being Article
13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Harford
County," subtitle "County Commissioners," to follow immediately
after Section 230 thereof, and to read as follows:
The Harford Center
(a) Establishment, Directors, Officers, Compensation and By-
(1) The Board of County Commissioners of Harford County is
hereby authorized to establish and create a body corporate and
politic, to be known as "The Harford Center," an instrumentality of
the Board of County Commissioners and a public corporation by that
name, style and title. It shall have perpetual existence, may contract
and be contracted with, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
and complain and defend in all courts of law and equity.
(2) Directors, Appointment, Terms and Vacancies: The Board
of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of thirteen (13) persons,