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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1341   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1341

4.    A licensed dentist shall not suggest, request, or in any way
direct a patient to appear at a dental laboratory under any circum-
stances, whether with or without a written work authorization.

5.    A licensed dentist at any educational institution, hospital, or
clinic shall complete a written work authorization form before a
dental student, dental technician, or student dental technician, may
perform any dental technological work away from the premises

6.    Whenever any dental laboratory, after receipt of a completed
written work authorization form from a licensed dentist, subcon-
tracts any part of its work to any other dental laboratory, the dental
laboratory originally receiving the written work authorization shall
complete a special form of a different color, and authorized by the
Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners. The subcontracting
written work authorization form shall be completed in duplicate
and the original shall be sent to the dental laboratory which will
actually perform the work. The duplicate copy shall be attached
to the dentist's original written work authorization form and
made part of the original dental laboratory's file. The original
and the duplicate of the subcontracting written work authorization
form must be kept by the respective parties for a period of at least
one year. The subcontracting written work authorization form also
shall be authorized by the State Board of Dental Examiners.

7.    The State Board of Dental Examiners, or its appointee, includ-
ing a certified dental technician when requested, at its discretion,
may conduct random inspections of the written work authorization
forms and files kept by the dental laboratories and dental offices to
determine that all provisions of this section are being complied with.

8.    A licensed dentist shall not affix his signature to any written
work authorization form unless he has complied with all require-
ments contained in subsection 2 above.

9.    Failure to have a completed written work authorization form
or a completed subcontracted written work authorization form in
one's possession while fabricating any dental appliance shall con-
stitute prima facie evidence of a violation of this law. Dental labora-
tories wishing to fabricate dental appliances for research, technique
samples, or training purposes may do so by fulfilling one of the
following requirements:

a.  Obtaining a signed written work authorization form giving the
dental laboratory permission from the licensed dentist to utilize his
cast of a particular practical case. Such written work authorization
form must comply to subsections a, b, c, and f of Section 25 (c) 2
of this law.

b.  Securing annual permission from the Maryland State Board of
Dental Examiners to utilize plastic typdont or dentoform type models
as the basis for fabricating such cases, without a written work
authorization form in their possession. The State Board of Dental
Examiners may not deny such annual permission without cause.

(d) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be
[deemed] guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be
fined not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or be confined
not more than six months in jail.


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 1341   View pdf image
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