Marvin Mandel, Governor 11
of the city of Cumberland in a northerly direction along the crest
of Shriver Ridge to a coordinate of north 667,480 and east 314,900
of the Maryland State coordinate system, from this point in a north
westerly direction in a straight line which bisects the intersection
of Valley Road and Pea Vine Run Road to the Mason-Dixon line
which is the Maryland Pennsylvania boundary, from this point on
the Maryland Pennsylvania boundary line in an easterly direction
to the concrete monument number 162 at the point of beginning,
continuing approximately 5.5 square miles.
(a) The County Commissioners of Allegany County are hereby
authorized, empowered and directed to levy annually against all the
assessable real property within the above described area, a tax suffi-
cient, but not to exceed ten cents on each $100.00 of assessable real
property, to pay the annual requirements of expenditures necessary
to maintain and operate the Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment, its successor or successors, including payment of encumbrances
on real estate or equipment owned by said Bedford Road Volunteer
Fire Department. The tax shall be determined, levied, collected and
paid over in the following manner: at least 30 days before the tax
levying period of each year, the County Commissioners shall certify
to the Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Department, its successor or
successors, the whole valuation of the assessable real property within
said area. The Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Department shall then
determine the amount necessary to be raised for the ensuing year
to maintain and operate said Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment, its successor or successors, including payment in whole or in
part of any existing encumbrance, the purchase, repair, replace-
ment, operation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and ap-
paratus, the housing of the same and the training of firemen. The
Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Department shall then deduct from the
above amount all funds received from other sources whether received
by donation or as income from the activities of said Company, to-
gether with proceeds collected as a special tax hereunder, which were
in excess of the budgetary needs of the Bedford Road Volunteer Fire
Department in the preceding year, all of which shall be used to
reduce the tax for the next fiscal year in said area. The Bedford Road,
Volunteer Fire Department shall then determine the number of
cents per $100.00, within the aforesaid limitation, necessary to raise
the said amount required for such fire area for the ensuing year,
and shall certify the same to the County Commissioners. The County
Commissioners in their next annual levy shall levy said tax on all
real property assessed for county tax purposes within said area,
which tax shall be levied and collected and have the same priority
rights, be subject to the same discount, interest and penalties; and
in every respect be treated the same as county taxes, but not to
exceed the rate hereinabove provided.
(b) The taxes so levied for the ensuing year shall be collected by
the tax collecting authorities for said County, and every 60 days they
shall remit the whole amount of the taxes so collected to the Treas-
urer of the Bedford Road Volunteer Fire Department, its successor
or successors, upon the said Treasurer giving a corporate bond to
Allegany County, Maryland, to be approved by the County Com-
missioners of Allegany County and the County Attorney in a penal
sum to be fixed by the County Commissioners, conditioned upon