Marvin Mandel, Governor 87
It shall be the duty of said court [stenographer or stenographers]
reporters (a) to take full stenographic or stenotypic notes or record-
ings by such devices as may be approved by the Court, of all pro-
ceedings and testimony in said Court; (b) to prepare and file a type-
written transcript of such notes or recordings whenever so directed
by said Court; (c) to prepare and furnish to any party to any pro-
ceeding in said Court a typewritten transcript of such notes or
recordings; (d) to act as secretary to [that] those judges of the
Fifth Judicial Circuit of Maryland who [is a] are residents of
Howard County; (e) to act as librarian of the bar library of Howard
County; and (f) generally to perform such [stenographic and steno-
typic and secretarial work] reporting services and such secretarial
services as said Court, or any other judges thereof, shall require, or
which may be prescribed by law. Before [said Court stenographer
or stenographers] a court reporter shall be required to furnish a
typewritten transcript of his [or her] notes or recording to any
party to any proceeding, he [or she] shall be entitled to demand of,
and receive from, such party compensation for preparing such tran-
script at such rate as said Court shall, from time to time, by order
prescribed. This compensation shall be in addition to the salary pro-
vided for in Section 23.
At every session of the grand jury, as now provided by law, and
whenever requested by the grand jury, or the State's Attorney, it
shall be lawful for [the] a duly appointed court [stenographer]
reporter to attend and be present with the State's Attorney, at the
sessions of every grand jury and take full stenographic notes or
recordings of all oral testimony introduced before the grand jury,
and at the request of the Court, or State's Attorney, to furnish a
typewritten [copy] transcript of the notes of the testimony so taken
by him, or such part thereof, as may be requested.
[The court stenographer] A court reporter, before entering the
grand jury room, shall take before the Clerk of the Circuit Court, an
oath that he will keep secret all matters and things occurring before
the grand jury.
The court [stenographer] reporter shall not [permit] make avail-
able to any other person [to take a copy of] the notes or recordings
so taken in the grand jury room, or any part thereof, nor shall he
[read to, or permit to be read by any person, any part of the same,
nor shall he disclose] reveal or disclose the character of any of the
contents of the same to any person, or persons, other than the grand
jury, or a member thereof, and the State's Attorney, except when
required [so] to do so by the order of the Circuit Court; all of said
original notes or recordings shall be kept in the custody of the
State's Attorney, and neither a copy, or memorandum nor recording
of the same shall be taken from the office of the State's Attorney,
except for the use of the grand jury of said County, or for production
in Court, excepting, however, when otherwise ordered by said Circuit