828 Laws of Maryland Ch. 401
1. To supervise the conduct of parolees, and to regularly inform
the Board of their activities.
2. To recommend, in the discretion of the [Department]
Division, that the Board issue warrants for the retaking of parolees.
3. To issue warrants, upon the delegation of this power to the
Director of the [Department] Division, for the retaking of parolees
charged with a violation of parole.
(a) A "Sundry Claims Board" is created for the purpose of
administering benefits whenever a prisoner in the Patuxent Insti-
tution or in the Maryland Penitentiary, House of Correction, or any
other institution under the supervision of the [Board] Division of
Correction (1) is engaged in any extra-hazardous work for which
wages or a stipulated sum are paid by said institution, and (2) sus-
tains a permanent partial or permanent total disability as a result of
said injury, and (3) this disability incapacitates the prisoner or
materially reduces his earning power in such work. For the purpose
of this subtitle, the terms "extra-hazardous work," "permanent par-
tial disability," and "permanent total disability" have the meanings
which currently are given to them in Article 101 of this Code, title
"Workmen's Compensation." The Sundry Claims Board shall be
part of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
(b) In such event, the injured prisoner has the right to file a
claim for compensation under this subtitle, within twelve (12)
months after his release from the institution, and not before such
release, with the "Sundry Claims Board." The "Sundry Claims
Board" consists of the Attorney General of Maryland, or his rep-
resentative, the Comptroller of the State, or his representative, and
the [Director of the Budget] Secretary of Public Safety and Correc-
tional Services, or his representative. The Governor shall designate
one of such members to be the chairman and another to be the
secretary of the Board.
(d) After investigation of any such claim the Board shall either
approve, approve with conditions and limitations, or disapprove it.
The Board shall append to the original papers representing such
claim, a concise statement of facts developed by the proceedings
upon which its approval or disapproval is based. Such original papers
and appended statements shall be filed in the office of the Comp-
troller, and copies shall be kept in the offices of the [Budget Direc-
tor] Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services and of the
Attorney General. The original papers representing such claim and
any other matters pertaining thereto shall constitute a permanent
claims record.
The Maryland Traffic Safety Commission is hereby created as part
of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. The
Commission shall be composed of not more than eighteen (18) mem-
bers to be appointed by the Secretary of Public Safety and Correc-
tional Services, with the approval of the Governor. Terms of mem-
bers shall be for six (6) years, but of the members first appointed:
one-third shall be designated to hold office for two years, one-third