Marvin Mandel, Governor 625
emotional and whose needs are not met by ordinary school facilities,
the city or counties so providing the same shall receive, toward the
cost of teachers, special equipment, nursing, therapeutic treatment,
[and] transportation and other necessary operating costs, an amount
of eight hundred dollars ($800.00) per child or the actual cost, which-
ever is less and such additional amount per child as included for
this purpose in the annual State Budget as submitted to the General
Assembly by the Governor and subject to the power of the General
Assembly with respect to budget appropriations. The State Superin-
tendent of Schools shall ascertain the respective amounts the City
of Baltimore and the counties shall receive from the State under
this section, and when such amounts are so ascertained the State
Superintendent of Schools shall certify the same to the State
(c) In the City of Baltimore or in any county in the State which
does not provide such special programs and services or special in-
struction for the education of [mentally or physically handicapped!
children with mental, physical, and/or emotional handicaps, and
such [mentally or physically handicapped] children with mental,
physical, and/or emotional handicaps attend a school within or out-
side of the State of Maryland providing appropriate instruction or
receive appropriate special instruction approved by the State Board
of Education, the board of education in the City of Baltimore or
county in which the parents of such child reside, provided such
parents are bona fide residents of the State of Maryland, will be
reimbursed by the State of Maryland eight hundred dollars ($800.00)
or the actual cost, whichever is less and such additional amount per
child as included for this purpose in the annual State Budget as
submitted to the General Assembly by the Governor and subject to
the power of the General Assembly with respect to budget appro-
priations to assist in paying the tuition and/or fees incident to the
instruction of each said handicapped child.
The Governor shall place in the State budget each year an item
for the education and training of handicapped children under six
years of age. The appropriation as finally determined by the General
Assembly shall be expended under the supervision and control of the
State Department of Education. For the purposes of this program,
a handicapped child shall be one with a physical, [or] mental,
and/or emotional impairment which, in the judgment of the
Department makes a special educational and training program nec-
essary or desirable to help the child attain a scholastic achievement
as near normal as feasible. The Department of Education shall
adopt standards and promulgate rules and regulations based thereon,
for the nonmedical examination, classification, and education of such
handicapped children, for the qualifications of teachers, for curric-
ulum and equipment, and generally for the supervision and operation
of the program herein provided for.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.
Approved April 22, 1970