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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 583   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         583

(f)  The Board of Public Works is authorized, in its discretion,
to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for receiving such
petitions from local governments and agencies in this State, and
for the consideration of the petitions and disbursing of the funds
to the petitioning local governmental units and agencies, within the
spirit and intent of this Act.

(g)   Of the actual cash proceeds from the sale of Certificates of
Indebtedness to be issued under this Act, the sum of four million
dollars ($4,000,000) less a proportionate share of the costs specified
in Section 4 of this Act, shall be used exclusively [to match and
administer grants received from the Federal Government] to de-
velop effective, comprehensive water quality control and abatement
plans for river basins [pursuant to Section 3 (c) of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act] . For this purpose a river basin may
be the drainage area of an intrastate river, the drainage area of
an interstate river, or a metropolitan or multi-community area in
a basin for which a water pollution control program can be most
effectively planned and implemented [through a Section 3 (c)
grant] . The purpose of each basin program will be to provide a
water quality management plan developed by joint efforts of State,
local, and metropolitan bodies, after such consultation with private
interests as the public bodies deem advisable for meeting and
further improving the water quality of the State.

(h) Annually, prior to June 1, The Department of Water Re-
sources shall recommend to the Governor a proposed scope of basin
pollution control planning activity to be undertaken pursuant to
[Section 3 (c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act] Section
5 (g) of this Act.
The recommendation to the Governor will include
the following information for each basin recommended for program

1.  Boundaries of the river basin, watershed, or multi-community
area with reasons for establishing the boundaries with reference
to water pollution control problems requiring joint action of the
interests, public and private, located therein;

2.  The public and private interests which need to be involved in
joint actions to implement the basin program;

3.  The status of existing efforts to achieve a basin-wide water
pollution control program;

4.  Justification for assignment of priority; and

5.  Identification of the agencies who will participate and their
respective responsibilities in the development of the basin program.

(i) Upon approval of the scope of activity by the Governor, the
[Water Resources Commission] Director of the Department of Water
shall adopt rules and regulations to guide the develop-
ment of basin-wide programs so that State [and Federal] objectives
are met (in all basins). The rules and regulations shall include
but not be limited to the following requirements:

1. Developed in cooperation with and participation by all con-
cerned state, interstate, federal and local agencies and interests.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 583   View pdf image
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