Marvin Mandel, Governor 53
referee of such matches upon payment of the annual license fee of
ten dollars ($10.00); an annual license to participate, as contestant,
in such matches upon the payment of an annual license fee of ten
dollars ($10.00); an annual license to act as second in such matches
upon payment of an annual license fee of ten dollars ($10.00); an
annual license to act as manager of such matches upon payment of
an annual license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00); and an annual
license to act as a matchmaker upon payment of an annual license
fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00); and no unlicensed person shall
act as referee, promoter, matchmaker, manager or second of any of
such matches or participate therein as contestant, nor shall any per-
son, club, corporation or association permit any unlicensed person so
to act or participate. Every license shall be subject to such rules
and regulations and amendments thereof as the Commission may
prescribe. Every application for a license as herein provided for
shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the Commission, and
shall be under oath. It shall contain a recital of such facts, as,
under the provisions hereof will show the applicant entitled to re-
ceive a license, and in addition thereto such other facts and recitals
as the Commission may by rule require to be shown; provided, how-
ever, that before said Commission shall issue a license for a boxing,
sparring or wrestling match in Montgomery or Prince George's
Counties, it must first secure the permission of the County Executive
of Montgomery County for a match to be held in that county or the
County Commissioners of Prince George's [in the] County [in which
said] for a match [is] to be held [.] in that county.
(d) Montgomery County.—In Montgomery County the fees for
dogs shall be determined by the County [Council] Executive of said
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 198 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1969 Supplement), title "Licenses," subtitle "Dog Licenses in
the Counties" be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments to read as follows:
When any inhabitant of any county shall have any sheep, poultry
or livestock destroyed or injured by a dog or dogs, he may apply to
any trial magistrate of said county, who shall appoint three dis-
interested persons as appraisers to view and appraise the damages
by him sustained, at least one of said appraisers shall be a deputy
sheriff of said county and they, under oath, shall state in writing to
the County Commissioners of said county, the number of sheep,
poultry, or livestock killed, the character and extent of the injury,
if any done, and the amount of the damages, upon which they shall
all agree, sustained by the owner; and both the appraisers and the
owner of the sheep, poultry or livestock shall make oath that they
believe the same to have been destroyed or injured by a dog or dogs,
and when the report of such proceedings has been filed, the County
Commissioners of said county shall review said report, and if in
their judgment the amount of damages stated is unfair, they shall
award such amount as they may deem fair; which award shall be