52 Laws of Maryland Ch. 49
(1968 Replacement Volume and 1969 Supplement) title "Licenses,"
subtitles "Mode of Issuing—General Provisions," "Boxing, Spar-
ring, and Wrestling," and "Dog Licenses in the Counties," to
authorize the County Council of Montgomery County to provide
for the issuance of restaurant licenses, to require the permission
of the County Executive for boxing or wrestling matches in
Montgomery County, to authorize the County Executive of Mont-
gomery County to determine the fees for dog licenses, and to
authorize the County Council to prescribe by law procedures for
compensating owners of sheep, poultry or livestock killed by dogs.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 2, 112, and 191 (d) of Article 56 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1968 Replacement Volume) title "Licenses," sub-
titles "Mode of Issuing—General Provisions," "Boxing, Sparring,
and Wrestling," and "Dog Licenses in the Counties," be and are
hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
Before any license for billiard or pool table, bowling alley, chain
store, coin-operated vending machine, garage, music box, restau-
rant, or soda water fountain, or license for the sale of cigarettes, or
hawkers and peddlers, motion picture and entertainment, construc-
tion firm or company, trader's license, shall be issued by the clerk of
the Circuit Court for any county or by the clerk of the Court of
Common Pleas of Baltimore City, the applicant for such license shall
first file with the clerk, in duplicate, a written application therefor
in such form, and verified in such manner, and containing such infor-
mation as may be prescribed by regulations of the Comptroller. On
or before the 10th day of each month the said clerk shall forward to
the State Department of Assessments and Taxation a duplicate copy
of each of the above-named licenses issued by him during the pre-
ceding month, together with a duplicate copy of the application for
each such license. Provided, however, that this section, insofar as
it relates to licenses for restaurants, shall not apply in Montgomery
County, wherein such licenses shall be issued by the County, [man-
ager or his designated agent,] subject to such regulations, fees and
charges in connection therewith and penalties for the violation
thereof as may be prescribed by the County Council.
The Commission shall have, and hereby is vested with, the sole
direction, management, control of and jurisdiction over all boxing
and sparring and wrestling matches and exhibitions to be conducted,
held or given within the State, by any person, club, corporation or
association; and no boxing or sparring or wrestling match or ex-
hibition shall be conducted, held or given within the State except
pursuant to its authority and in accordance with the provisions of
this subtitle. The Commission may, in its discretion, issue, and at
its pleasure revoke, a license to conduct, hold or give boxing and
sparring or wrestling matches and exhibitions to any person, club,
corporation or association to act as a promoter, upon payment of an
annual license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or for an indi-
vidual show upon payment of a license fee of twenty-five dollars
($25.00); and may, in its discretion, issue, and for such cause as said
Commission shall deem sufficient revoke, an annual license to act as