50 Laws of Maryland Ch. 47
shall be made by said judges at such time as agreed upon by said
judges and the County [Council] Executive for Montgomery County
and shall be made every four years thereafter and the appointment
of said clerks for the branches of said court shall be made at the
expiration of the terms of office of the present clerks of said court
and every four years thereafter. Said chief clerk shall keep all
dockets of and supervise and manage the central office of said court,
which shall be located in Rockville and shall supervise the admin-
istration of the branch offices of said court located in Rockville,
Bethesda and Silver Spring. Each of said clerks of the several
branches of said court shall manage their respective offices under
the supervision of said chief clerk. Notwithstanding any other pro-
vision of law, the dockets and records of arrest and convictions in
traffic violations, and all other traffic records, shall be kept by the
chief clerk and several branch clerks in such form and under such
plan as may jointly be agreed upon by the chief judge of the People's
Court of Montgomery County and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Each of said branch clerks shall make a daily report of all traffic
convictions and other disposition of cases to the said chief clerk and
said chief clerk shall make proper report at periodic intervals of all
traffic convictions and other disposition of cases to the Department
of Motor Vehicles in accordance with such agreed plan, and together
therewith, said chief clerk shall make remittance of all revenues due
the State of Maryland from traffic violation fines and costs to the
Department of Motor Vehicles. The Department of Finance of
Montgomery County shall regularly audit the accounts and records
of the chief clerk and said branch clerks and shall furnish the
Department of Motor Vehicles and the State Comptroller regularly
a certificate attesting to the fact that an audit verification of traffic
violation fines and costs imposed in the People's Court of Mont-
gomery County has been made, and that all fines and costs due the
State of Maryland have been remitted to the Department of Motor
Vehicles. Each of said branch clerks shall have custody of all monies
paid into the court for any purpose and shall deposit such monies
promptly in an account in the name of the chief clerk in Montgomery
County; upon deposit in said account or accounts, the chief clerk
shall have custody of all such monies. Each branch clerk shall report
promptly to the chief clerk all fines, forfeitures and costs and shall
report any funds in his custody. The chief clerk shall prepare, sign
and deliver with appropriate remittances to county and state officials
such reports of fines, forfeitures and costs as are required of trial
magistrates by law. The chief clerk, the deputy clerk and the several
branch clerks shall perform such other duties as shall be properly
assigned to them by the judges of the People's Court, and they shall
receive such salary as shall be fixed by the County Executive with
the approval of the County Council of said county in equal monthly
installments; the chief clerk before entering upon his duties shall
give bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000.00) and the said branch clerks and deputy chief
clerk before entering upon their duties shall each give bond to the
State of Maryland in the penalty of twenty-five thousand dollars
($25,000.00); each of said bonds shall be for the full four-year term
of office and shall have corporate sureties satisfactory to the [county
manager] Chief Administrative Officer, the premium of said bonds
to be paid by the County Council of Montgomery County. The
[County Council] Chief Administrative Officer for Montgomery
County shall provide such additional clerical help as may be neces-