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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 48   View pdf image
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48                                Laws of Maryland                         Ch. 47

tion of the County Council, to appoint the members of the Juvenile
Court Committee, to require the submission of the Juvenile Court
Budget to the County Executive, to provide for notice to the
County Executive from retired People's Court judges regarding
eligibility for pensions, to authorize the County Executive, with
the approval of the County Council, to fix the salaries of People's
Court clerks and clerical employees and to authorize the Chief
Administrative Officer to approve the surety on the bonds of
People's Court clerks.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 77, 80(a) and 80(c) of Article 26 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1969 Supplement) title "Courts," subtitle "Juve-
nile Causes in Montgomery County," be and hereby are repealed and
re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:


The senior judge shall prepare on or before April 1st of each year,
an annual report of the previous calendar year, which report shall
include statistics indicating the number and types of cases referred
to the court during said period and the disposition of such cases. He
shall be assisted in compiling such report by the supervisor of social
work and such other members of his professional and clerical staff as
is necessary. Copies of the report shall be submitted to the County
[Council! Executive of Montgomery County and be made available for
distribution to other county departments and to the general public.
The cost of publishing said reports shall be paid from the money
appropriated by the County Council for the office of the judge.


(a) Appointment; terms; vacancies.—The County [Council]
Executive for Montgomery County shall appoint, subject to the con-
firmation of the County Council,
a committee to be known as the
Montgomery County Juvenile Court Committee, which shall be com-
posed of such members as the County [Council] Executive may
appoint from time to time. One-third of the members of this com-
mittee shall be appointed for a term of one year; one-third for a term
of two years; and one-third for a term of three years. Succeeding
members shall be appointed for a term of three years to fill vacancies
caused by expiring terms of office. Vacancies in the committee,
caused by reasons other than expiration of terms, shall be filled as
they occur by appointments for the balance of the term in which
such vacancy or vacancies occur. The judges for juvenile causes
shall submit names of persons for the [Council] County Executive
to consider for appointment to said committee.

(c) Powers and duties.—Said Montgomery County Juvenile
Court Committee shall have the following powers and duties: To
advise the judges for juvenile causes with regard to policies and
procedures on all matters within the jurisdiction of said court; to
study and recommend to the judge and said County Council legis-
lation relating to child welfare and the prevention and control of
juvenile delinquency; and to review the annual budget request pre-
pared by the senior judge before its submission to the County
[Council] Executive for Montgomery County.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 48   View pdf image
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