Marvin Mandel, Governor 47
which declaration shall be made by said Board of County Commis-
sioners in the same manner and subject to the same conditions
(except for approval by the mayor) as the declaration of the govern-
ing body of a city, required by section 4 hereof for the purpose of
authorizing a housing authority of a city to transact business and
exercise its powers. The housing authorities of the counties shall,
within their area of operation as hereinafter defined, have all the
functions, rights, powers, duties and liabilities provided in this Arti-
cle for housing authorities in cities, and the provisions of this Article
shall, within the area of operation of such housing authorities of the
counties, apply to the housing authorities of the counties in the same
manner and to the same extent as this Article applies to housing
authorities created in cities; provided that as to housing authorities
of the counties, the Board of Commissioners of the county for which
any such authority is created, is hereby authorized to perform the
acts herein required or permitted by this Article to be performed
by the governing body of the city, the mayor or said governing body
and the mayor, for the housing authority of the city. In Montgomery
County, the county executive and the county council are hereby
authorized to perform the acts herein required or permitted by this
Article to be performed by the mayor and the governing body of the
city, respectively, for the housing authority of the city, except that
the appointment and removal of commissioners of the housing au-
thority by the county executive shall require the approval of the
council. The area of operation of a housing authority of a county
shall include all of the county except that portion thereof which lies
within the territorial boundaries of any city for which a housing
authority may be created under this Article, unless the governing
body of any such city shall by proper resolution consent to its in-
clusion in the area of operation of such county authority. With
respect to the provisions of other sections of this Article and their
application to housing authorities of counties, the term "city" shall
be construed as referring to a county unless « different meaning
clearly appears from the context.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on December 7, 1970.
Approved April 1, 1970
(House Bill 331)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 77, 80(a)
and 80(c) of Article 26 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1969
Supplement) title "Courts," subtitle "Juvenile Causes in Mont-
gomery County," and to repeal and re-enact with amendments
Sections 108(15) (b) and 108(15) (h) of Article 52 of said Code
(1968 Replacement Volume and 1969 Supplement) title "Justices
of the Peace," subtitle "Trial Magistrates System," to require the
senior judge of the Montgomery County Juvenile Court to submit
to the County Executive an annual report on cases referred to the
court, to authorize the County Executive, subject to the confirma-