Marvin Mandel, Governor 467
(House Bill 721)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 260 (a)
of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1968 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle "Home-Improvement
Law," to provide that notice of violation hearings shall be sent
by registered or certified mail.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 260 (a) of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1968 Replacement Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle "Home-
Improvement Law," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:
(a) The Commission shall suspend or revoke any license or
authority to do business only after hearing. At least 10 days prior
to the date set for the hearing, the Commission shall notify the licensee
in writing of any charge made and afford said licensee an oppor-
tunity to be heard in person and by counsel in reference thereto.
Such written notice shall be served by delivery of the same to the
licensee by registered or certified mail to the business address of
such licensee of record with the Commission. The hearing on such
charges shall be at such time and place as the Commission shall
prescribe. The Commission shall have the power to subpoena and
bring before it any person or documents, and to take the testimony
of any person under oath in the same manner as is prescribed in
judicial procedure in courts of this State in civil capes, with the same
fees and mileage as may be provided by law for civil cases.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.
Approved April 15, 1970
(House Bill 766)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 266 of
Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1968 Replacement
Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle "Home Improvement Law,"
prohibiting the acceptance, receipt or use of a completion certifi-
cate knowing the same is false, and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 266 of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1968 Replacement Volume), title "Licenses," subtitle "Home Im-
provement Law," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, to read as follows: