Marvin Mandel, Governor 447
provided, however, that in the aggregate said notes, bonds, or other
certificates of indebtedness shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($200,000). [Said notes, bonds or other certificates
of indebtedness shall bear a rate of interest not exceeding six per
centum per annum.] If said sum or any portion thereof shall be
borrowed by the sale of notes, bonds or other certificates of indebted-
ness, they shall be designated as "Regional Health Center Construc-
tion and Improvement Notes, Bonds or Other Certificates of
Indebtedness." They shall be of such denomination or denominations,
callable or non-callable, and of such type or form and of such period
of maturity as the County Commissioners of Allegany County may
deem advisable. The notes, bonds or other certificates of indebted-
ness shall be signed by the President of the County Commissioners
of Allegany County and the Treasurer of the County and shall have
the corporate seal of Allegany County affixed thereto. The principal
amount of said notes, bonds or other certificates of indebtedness and
the interest payable thereon shall be and remain exempt from taxa-
tion by the State of Maryland and by the counties and municipalities
of the State. If any such bonds, notes or other certificates of in-
debtedness shall be sold, the provisions of Sections 8 through 11
inclusive, of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition), as amended from time to time, shall be complied with.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1970.
Approved April 15, 1970
(House Bill 417)
AN ACT to add new Section 42C to Article 26 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), (1966 Replacement Volume
and 1969 Supplement), title "Courts," subtitle "Circuit Courts
for the Counties—Court Stenographers," to follow immediately
after Section 42B thereof, to provide for appointment of a law
clerk and jury commissioner by the Circuit Court for Carroll
County and matters generally relating thereto.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 42C be and it is hereby added to Article 26 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), (1966 Replacement
Volume and 1969 Supplement), title "Courts," subtitle "Circuit
Courts for the Counties—Court Stenographers," to follow immedi-
ately after Section 42B thereof, and to read as follows:
The Circuit Court for Carroll County shall appoint a law clerk
and a jury commissioner, each to hold his office at the Court's
pleasure and they shall receive such compensation as the Court may
from time to time prescribe, to be levied annually by the County
Commissioners of Carroll County and to be paid in such installments