4 Laws of Maryland Ch. 4
names of at least two nominees for each office to be filled. Not-
withstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the original
term of office of one of the members of the board of regents whose
office is established on June 1, 1970, shall commence on the first
Monday in June of 1970 and shall expire on the first Monday in
June of 1972, and the original term of office of the other member
of the board of regents whose office is established on June 1, 1970,
shall commence on the first Monday in June of 1970, and shall ex-
pire on the first Monday in June of 1973. Thereafter, the terms of
office of the members of the board of regents established on June
1, 1970, shall be five years.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1,1970.
Approved April 1, 1970
(Senate Bill 221)
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 754 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of 1969, and to repeal Section 128(b) (5½) of Article 77 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement Volume), title
"Public Education", subtitle "Chapter 9. Finance and Reports",
and to enact new Sections 128(b)(5-l) and (5-2) in lieu thereof,
to stand in the place of the section so repealed, to provide for
payment of increased and additional sums by the State to each
county and Baltimore City to be added to the State share of
current expenses of education, to provide for the computation of
these increased and additional amounts, AND THE PURPOSES
the wording of the law on additional amounts for densely popu-
lated subdivisions.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Chapter 754 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1969 be
and it is hereby repealed, and that Section 128 (b) (5½) of Article
77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement Volume),
title "Public Education", subtitle "Chapter 9. Finance and Reports",
be and it is hereby repealed, and that new Sections 128(b) (5-1) and
(5-2) be and they are hereby enacted in lieu thereof, to stand in the
place of the section so repealed, and all to read as follows:
128 (b) (5-1)
For any county or Baltimore City with a population density ex-
ceeding 8,000 per square mile, as determined by the State Depart-
ment of Health, an amount equivalent to $50.00 per pupil enrolled
on September 30 of the school year for which the calculation is
made shall be added to the State share of current expenses as de-
fined in paragraph (5) of this subsection; such amount shall be used
to provide compensatory programs for students with special educa-
tional needs resulting from educationally or economically disad-