Howard County 2815
a Board of Health for Howard County and setting forth its meetings,
duties and duties of the County Health Officer and Sanitary Officers
and remedies for violations under these Sections and dealing generally
with matters relating to the public health and welfare in Howard
HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Sections 12.200, 12.201, 12.202,
12.203, 12.204, 12.205, 12.206, 12.207, 12.208, 12.209, 12.210, 12.211 and
12.212 of the Howard County Code be and the same are hereby repealed.
12.201, 12.202, 12.203,12.204, 12.205, 12.206, 12.207, 12.208, 12.209, 12.210,
12.211 be and the same are hereby enacted in lieu thereof to Title 12
of the Howard County Code, title "Health and Social Services", subtitle
"Board of Health" to read as follows:
12.200—Health Board—General Powers
The County Council of Howard County shall, ex-officio, constitute
a local Board of Health for Howard County. The Vice-Chairman of the
County Council shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Health and the
County Health Officer or such representative as he may designate in
writing shall be the Executive Secretary of the Board of Health and
shall attend all meetings. The Board of Health for Howard County shall
have and exercise all the powers and duties of a Board of Health as
provided in Article 43 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Health",
although not specifically enumerated herein, except insofar as the pro-
visions thereof may be inconsistent with the provisions of this subtitle;
said local Board of Health shall have the general care of the sanitary
interests of the people of Howard County; it shall make or cause to be
made sanitary investigations and inquiries respecting the causes of dis-
ease, and especially epidemics and causes of mortality; it shall inquire
into and investigate, or cause to be inquired into and investigated all
nuisances affecting the public health, comfort or property of the citizens
of said County, or any City, Town, or Village therein, and in addition
to other remedies set forth herein is authorized and empowered by in-
formation or petition filed in the name of said Board to apply to the Judge,
or any Judge of the Circuit Court for such County, in term time or vaca-
tion, for an injunction to restrain and prevent such nuisance, no matter
by whom or what authority committed; and further, they shall have full
power and authority to adopt rules for the conduct of hearings which shall
be held by said Board of Health to determine the existence and the cause
of nuisances and hazards to health, to issue cease and desist orders to
persons who after hearing are found to be in violation of this Section,
Article 43 of the Public General Laws of Maryland or regulations of the
State Board of Health promulgated pursuant to Article 43 of the Public
General Laws of Maryland to preserve the health of the County, to prevent
and remove nuisances and to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases
within said County.
12.201—Same—Meetings, Regulatory Power
The Board of Health for Howard County shall meet as required by
Public General Law and additionally, it shall meet at the call of its Chair-
man; it shall act in conjunction with the State Board of Health, and shall
report or cause to be reported to said Board such facts in reference to the
sanitary conditions of the County as it may deem important or necessary;