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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2629   View pdf image
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Montgomery County                               2629

(c) Each license and renewal of same shall be in force and effect
only as long as the approved bond and insurance certificates that have
been filed with the board, in accordance with the provisions of this
Article, shall remain in full force and effect. Every such license or renewal
of same shall become void and of no effect should any such bond, insurance
contract become inoperative, ineffective or cancelled, regardless of the
regular date of expiration of said license.

Sec. 83-26. Term of License, Renewals.

(a)    Licenses issued under this Article shall be valid for one year
and become effective upon date of issue, except as otherwise provided by
this Article. Renewal of all licenses issued after January 1 of a calendar
year shall require one-half the prescribed yearly fee. All licenses shall
expire on June 30 of each year and renewals thereafter shall be effective
July 1 through June 30 of each year. Applicants for renewal of licenses
shall pay to Montgomery County, Maryland a fee of $25.00 for an electrical
contractor's license and a fee of $15.00 for an electrical contractor's
limited license, or as otherwise provided for by county regulations. Failure
to renew without good cause any license within thirty (30) days after
the expiration date of June 30, or any date that an existing license may
expire, shall require the applicant to apply for reexamination, in which
event, all requirements governing a new application shall be complied with
by the applicant.

(b)    No person, firm, company, corporation, partnership, owner,
lessee or agent shall be denied the privilege of continuing a contracting
business or maintenance or repair work in the event of death, illness or
other physical disability of the registered representative thereof who
qualified the person, firm, company, corporation, partnership, owner, lessee
or agent for such license, for a period not exceeding one hundred twenty
(120) days following the date of such death, illness or physical disability,
provided said business, maintenance or repair work is conducted under
such qualified supervision as the board deems adequate and provided that
all requirements concerning bonds and insurance are first complied with.

(c)    A person, firm, company, corporation, partnership, owner, lessee,
or agent shall be allowed to continue a business or to perform maintenance
and repair work for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days should
the registered licensee who qualified the person, firm, company, corporation,
partnership, owner, lessee, or agent for such license terminate his services
therefrom, provided such business, maintenance or repair work is con-
ducted under such qualified supervision as the board deems adequate and
provided that all of the following requirements are met:

1.    All bonding and insurance requirements are complied with;

2.    The licensee shall notify the board in writing within five (5)
days after terminating services as representative of said person, firm,
company, corporation, partnership, owner, lessee, or agent; or

3.    The person, firm, company, corporation, partnership, owner,
lessee, or agent shall notify the board in writing within five (5) days
after the licensed representative terminated his services.

No license issued under this Article shall be assigned or transferred
from one licensee to another. The board shall allow the license of a
licensee in good standing to transfer with the licensee if he terminates
his services with one employer and transfers to another employer or be-
comes self employed.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2629   View pdf image
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