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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2399   View pdf image
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Westminster                                     2399

N 30° 15' 54" E, 344.89 ft., To a point thence;

N 51° 25' 11" W, 929.41 ft., To a point thence;

N 52° 48' 38" W, 499.39 ft., to a concrete monument thence

S 45° 04' 21" W, 1151.74 ft., To a point thence;

N 61° 34' 33" W, 646.80 ft., To a point thence;

N 51° 34' 33" W, 1579.87 ft., To a concrete monument thence;

S 46° 14' 55" W, 694.60 ft., To a point thence;

N 73° 49' 33" W, 86.62 ft., To a point thence;

N 30° 34' 00" W, 752.32 ft., To a concrete monument set in the
southeast marginal line of Meadow Branch Road thence with said marginal

S 52° 36' 20" W, 345.02 ft., To a point thence ;
S 46° 10' 53" W, 230.10 ft., To a point thence;
S 36° 27' 45" W, 191.33 ft., To a point thence ;
S 32° 08' 36" W, 194.23 ft., To a point thence;
S 21° 29' 52" W, 335.30 ft., To a point thence;
S 20° 39'02 " W, 135.84 ft., To a point thence;
S 25° 02' 04" W, 1,412.81 ft., To a point thence;

S 06° 26' 29" W, 300.20 ft., To an S.R.C. Concrete monument set
in the north marginal line of Md. Rt. #97 said monument being right of
station 752+50 as shown on SRC plat No. 7589 thence crossing Md.
Rt. #97;

S 08° 38' 23" W, 150.37 ft., To an SRC concrete monument set in
the south marginal line of Md. Rt. #97 thence with said marginal line;

N 76° 49' 56" W, 147.18 ft., To an S.R.C. concrete monument thence;
N 76° 49' 38" W, 266.18 ft., To an S.R.C. concrete monument thence;
N 73° 42' 05" W, 507.41 ft., To an S.R.C. concrete monument thence;

N 66° 27' 24" W, 391.09 ft., To a concrete monument thence leaving
said road and running along the west boundary of the Meadow Branch

S 30° 31' 51" W, 1155.02 ft., To a concrete monument thence;

N 76° 19' 45" W, 31.50 ft., To an iron pin thence;

S 08° 37' 29" W, 16.53 ft., To an iron pin, thence ;

N 86° 40' 05" W, 16.51 ft., To an iron pin thence;

N 11° 30' 00" W, 1980 ft., To an iron pin thence;                                 :

N 73° 12' 43" W, 50.27 ft., To a fence post thence;

N 75° 23' 34" W, 169.95 ft., To a point thence;

N 60° 03' 33" W, 75.19 ft., To an iron pin thence;                 

N 30° 34' 29" W, 30.57 ft., To a point thence;


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2399   View pdf image
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