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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2398   View pdf image
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2398                               Municipal Charters

The new boundaries in the resolution were prepared by J. B. Ferguson
Co., Inc. from the deeds of the owners within the annexed area and are
included in the resolution for annexation. Thereafter the same surveyors
made a field survey of the annexed area planting stones and iron pins
at appropriate places. The field survey covers the same area as described
in the resolution.

The old boundaries were taken from Section 738 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Carroll County (Everstine 1965). It also appears as Section
523 of Article 7 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930)
Flack's Edition.

To all the aforegoing, I hereby certify as the chief executive officer
of The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster.

If any additional material or information is required, please advise
me, and it shall be furnished promptly.

Very truly yours,

Joseph H. Hahn, Jr., Mayor
Annexation No. 1

Beginning at a concrete monument set in the south marginal line of
the old New Windsor Road said concrete monument being at the end
of the 13th or S 47° W 400 yard line of the existing corporate boundary
as surveyed in 1896 said concrete monument having a Maryland grid coor-
dinates of 635,763.88 north and 797, 654.10 East as determined from
station Dell 1961 M.B.C.S. having a coordinate of 635,562.91 north
797,529.92 East running thence with 13th, 12th, 11th, 10th, and 9th lines
of said existing corporate boundary as surveyed in 1896 and with bearing
and distances to agree with Maryland Grid as determined by a recent
survey made by J. B. Ferguson & Co., Inc.

N 42° 54' E, 1,200.00 ft., To a point thence;
N 42° 54' E, 1790.25 ft., To a point thence;
S 61° 06' E, 194.70 ft., To a point thence;
N11° 36' W, 514.80 ft., To a point thence;

N 24° 54' E, 660.00 ft., To a concrete monument now set, said concrete
being S 88° 09' W 105.60 ft. from an old recovered concrete monument in
the northwest marginal line of Penna. Ave. at the beginning of the 8th
or N 87¾° W 6-4/o Perch line of existing corporate boundary as surveyed
in 1896 thence;

N 24° 54' E, 255.75 ft., To a point near the northwest curb line of
Penna. Ave. thence with said curb line;

N 00° 50' W, 391.87 ft., To a point, thence leaving said Penna. Ave.;

N 74° 44' W, 1,018.87 ft., Near the south marginal line of Maryland
Route #97 Thence crossing Rt. #97 ;

N 29° 19' 40" W, 201.97 ft., To a concrete monument now set in the
north marginal line of Md. Rt. #97 said concrete monument being right
of S.R.C. Station 688+71.55 as shown on S.R.C. Plat No. 7584 thence
leaving Md. Rt. #97;


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2398   View pdf image
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