Vienna 2395
thence with the remainder of this line (1) North 34° 37' East 610.73
feet to a point, thence with a portion of the next line of the present Town
Boundary (2) South 70° 13' East 870.18 feet to a point on the rear line
of a lot owned by Frank P. Gaither, as found in Liber 510, folio 179, one
of the Land Records of Frederick County, thence with the rear boundary
of this and other lots and the lands of Elmer D. Bollinger (3) North
01° 17' 44" East 474.71 feet to a point, thence (4) North 11° 15' 31"
West 674.65 feet to an iron pipe found at the rear of the Philip L. Zentz
lot as found in Liber 770, folio 351, one of the said Land Records, thence
(5) South 77° 07' 44" West 494.62 feet to an iron pipe found on the south-
west corner of the Edgar Robinson lot as found in Liber 573, folio 497,
one of the said Land Records, thence with this lot (6) North 14° 50' 14"
West 439.00 feet to an angle found driven in the ground thence with the
northern boundary of the Bollinger property two courses and distances
(7) South 55° 52' 22" West 287.26 feet to a planted stone, thence (8)
South 67° 07' 19" West 604.43 feet to the eastern right of way line of the
Western Maryland Railroad Company, thence with this right of way (9)
South 15° 15' 53" East 1308.53 feet to the place of beginning, containing
33.540 acres, more or less.
persons residing in the above described area to be annexed, and their
property, shall be added to the corporate boundaries generally subject to
the provisions of the Charter of the Commissioners of Thurmont. The
effective date of this resolution shall be the forty-sixth (46th) day follow-
ing its final enactment.
It was moved, seconded and carried that a public hearing on the
above resolution be held by the Commissioners of Thurmont at the Thur-
mont Town Office on September 3rd, 1969, at 9:00 p.m.; and that the
President cause a public notice of the hearing, accurately describing the
proposed changes and the conditions and circumstances applicable thereto,
to be published not fewer than four times at not less than weekly intervals
in Catoctin Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town
of Thurmont and the area to be annexed.
Dorchester County
Resolution of February 17, 1969
Resolution of The Commissioners of Vienna, adopted pursuant to
the Authority of Article 11E of the Constitution of the State of
Maryland and Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957), and any supplements thereto, Title:
A Resolution to propose amendment to the Charter of the Town of
Vienna by repealing Section 374 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Dorchester County (1961), being Article 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, and reenacting said Section 374, to provide
that The Commissioners of Vienna shall have power to impose license
fees on any business, occupation or employment conducted in said
town whether temporary or permanent; to provide for fire protec-
tion, police protection, for lights upon the highways of the town; to
arrange for a supply of water for fire protection and for the use of
its citizens; and to borrow money on their notes or certificates of