Rockville 2387
up such deficiency from the proceeds of ad valorem taxes which the mayor
and council of Rockville is hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon
all property within the present or future corporate limits of the city
subject to assessment for full municipal taxation, which taxes said city is
authorized and empowered to levy in an amount sufficient to meet such
deficiency but without any limitation as to such rate or amount notwith-
standing any other statutory limitation upon the power of said municipality
to levy taxes. Certificates of indebtedness herein authorized may be issued
at the discretion of the council and without being submitted to a vote
of the taxpayers. Such certificates of indebtedness are hereby specifically
exempted from the provisions of sections 33, 34 and 35 of Article 31 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (1939 Edition), and may be
sold at public or private sale as the mayor and council of Rockville may
determine from time to time, may be issued on a maturity schedule which
shall conform to the period of time provided for the payment of said special
improvements in accordance with the laying of said special assessments
as above provided, may bear interest at such rate or rates as the mayor
and council of Rockville shall determine, not exceeding, however, six per
centum (6%) per annum, and said certificates of indebtedness and the
interest payable thereon in the hands of the owner or owners thereof from
time to time shall be exempt from state, county and municipal taxation of
any kind or nature whatsoever in the State of Maryland. Any laws or parts
of laws, except such as confer special jurisdiction upon the state board
of health of Maryland, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this
section, or which contain any other limitations or conditions on the per-
formance of the work herein provided for or the manner of paying the
same, or which confer jurisdiction over such work on any other govern-
mental body or agency, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsis-
tencies or conflicts to the end that this section shall constitute the full
and complete authority for the performance of the work herein contem-
plated by the mayor and council of Rockville within the corporate limits
of said city.]
(h) To carry out the provisions of this section, the said council may
borrow such sums from time to time as may be needed to make such
improvements pursuant to the authority set forth in Section 48-29 of this
Code. Any obligations so incurred shall be general obligations of the City
of Rockville and shall be payable first from the special assessments levied
under the provisions of this section; and, in the event of any deficiency
occurring in the amount received from said special assessment, the council
shall and it is hereby directed to make up such deficiency from the pro-
ceeds of ad valorem taxes which the mayor and council of Rockville shall
levy upon all property within the present or future corporate limits of
the city subject to assessments for full municipal taxation, without any
limitation as to rate or amount.
(i) If, after ten (10) years following the construction of any public
improvement, it be necessary, in the judgment of the mayor and council,
to reconstruct said work or to make permanent repairs thereto, such
reconstruction or repairs may be authorized and directed by the council
under the provisions of this section and all or any part of the cost thereof
assessed in accordance herewith. This section shall be applicable to any
existing public work.
Section 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the date of the
adoption of this Resolution is October 20, 1969, and that the amendment
to the Charter of The Mayor and Council of Rockville hereby proposed
by this enactment shall be and become effective on December 9, 1969,