2384 Municipal Charters
with part of the 19th line of said Greenberg Property reversed; North
37° 06' 23" East 589.49 feet to intersect the said corporate limit line, thence
leaving said 19th line and with said corporate limit line; South 52° 51'
28" East 680.40 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.8981 acres.
Being part of the same land as intended and described in a conveyance
from Dexter M. Bullard to Dexter M. Bullard, Jr., et al, recorded in liber
3430, Folio 442 among the Land Records for Montgomery County, Mary-
land, and being a description computed from adjacent deed lines and does
not represent the results of an actual field survey.
Section 2. That all of the territory hereby annexed to the City of
Rockville and the persons residing thereon, shall, after the effective date
of this resolution be subject to all the laws, ordinances and regulations of
said City.
I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true and correct copy of a
Resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of Rockville at its meeting
of August 4,1969.
Jean R. Horneck, City Clerk
Resolution No. 60-69
Charter Amendment No. 21, October 14, 1969
Resolution of The Mayor and Council of Rockville adopted pursuant
to the authority of Article 11E of the Constitution of Maryland,
Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1966
Replacement Volume), title "Corporations—Municipal," subtitle
"Home Rule," and Sections 48-15A to 48-15G, inclusive, of the Charter
of The Mayor and Council of Rockville, as amended, to amend the
Charter of The Mayor and Council of Rockville, as set forth in Sections
48-1 to 48-95, inclusive, of the Code of Public, Local Laws of Mont-
gomery County (1965 Edition, as amended, being Article 16 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland) to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Section 48-60 thereof, to eliminate duplicate authority
for the issuance of general obligation bonds payable primarily from
special assessments as contained in Section 48-60(h) and confirming
that all such bonds may be issued pursuant to the authority of Section
48-29 of said Code.
Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED by The Mayor and Council of Rockville
that the Charter of said municipal corporation as set forth in Sections
48-1 to 48-95, inclusive, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Montgomery
County (1965 Edition, as amended, being Article 16 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland), be and the same is hereby amended by repealing
and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 48-60 thereof, as follows:
Sec. 48-60. Streets, sidewalks, etc.; water and sewers; special assessments,
borrowing money, etc.
(a) The council is authorized and empowered whenever, in its judg-
ment, the public health, safety or comfort requires it, to grade, construct,
reconstruct, pave, provide street lighting for or otherwise improve any
street, sidewalk, alley, curb, curb and gutter and public highway, or parts
thereof, at such time and to such extent and of such materials and in such