Rockville 2383
I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true and correct copy of a
Resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of Rockville at its meeting
of April 14, 1969.
Jean R. Horneck, City Clerk
Resolution No. 47-69, August 4, 1969
Resolution to provide for the enlarging of the Corporate Bound-
aries of the City of Rockville to include 6.8981 acres, Bullard Property.
Whereas, heretofore a Petition has been presented to the Mayor and
Council of Rockville, proposing to enlarge the corporate boundaries of the
City of Rockville so as to include an area encompassing parts of tracts of
land known as the Bullard Property containing 6.8981 acres of land, more
or less, located north of Falls Road, west of Route 70S, and generally west
of existing corporate boundaries; and thereafter upon verification of the
requirements of subsection (c) of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, 1957 Edition, as amended, had been complied with, a resolution
was introduced proposing to change the boundaries as requested in the
Petition; and
Whereas, thereafter a public, notice of said Resolution was published
not fewer than four times at not less than weekly intervals in the Mont-
gomery County Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of
Rockville and the area to be annexed, the said notice specifying that a
public hearing would be held on said Resolution in the Office of the Mayor
and Council at 9:30 P.M. on the 21st day of July, 1969; and
Whereas, the Mayor and Council of Rockville has fully considered and
deliberated the matters presented at said public hearing and has deter-
mined that said Resolution should be adopted;
That the following Resolution adding a new section to the Charter of
the City of Rockville, said new section to be known as Section 78, Article
I (to follow immediately after Section 77, Article I thereof) and as
Section 49-31uu, Montgomery County Code, 1960, (to follow immediately
after Section 49-31tt thereof) to provide for the enlarging of the corporate
boundaries of the City of Rockville, be and the same is hereby adopted to
become effective on the 18th day of September, 1969.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Mayor and Council of Rockville,
Maryland, that the boundaries of the City of Rockville are hereby extended
to include the following area, which is hereby added to said City:
Beginning for the same at a point on the present corporate limits of
the City of Rockville line and located on the 10th or last line of a convey-
ance to James W. Bullard as recorded in Liber 2703, Folio 65, at a point
325.93 feet from the end thereof, thence with part of said 10th line and
with bearings and distances corrected; South 43° 16' 09" West 325.93
feet to the end thereof, thence leaving said James W. Bullard property
and running with part of the common line of the Trail-Nicholson Property
and the present corporate limit line; North 75° 13' 05" West 697.70 feet
to the common corner of the Nicholson-Trail Property and the Hermen
Greenberg, et al, Property as described in Liber 3408, Folio 256, thence