2366 Municipal Charters
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing amendment
shall become and be a part of the Municipal Corporation Charter of the
Town of Princess Anne, according to the terms of the amendment, in
all respects to be effective and observed as such upon the fiftieth day
after being so adopted, unless on or before the fortieth day after being
so adopted there shall be presented to The President and Commissioners
of Princess Anne, or mailed to it by registered mail, a petition meeting
the requirements of Article 23A, Section 13 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, 1957 Edition as amended.
Introduced January 7, 1969.
Adopted January 13, 1969.
By: Norris Dashiell
Mahlon Price
James Lauchner
Effective March 4, 1969
Robert Murphey, Clerk
Charter Amendment No. 2
A Resolution of The President and Commissioners of Princess Anne,
a Municipal Corporation of the State of Maryland, to Repeal and Re-
enact with an Amendment Section 244 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Somerset County, 1963 Edition (Article 20 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland) Thereby Authorizing the Town of
Princess Anne to Acquire, Hold, and Convey Property Beyond the
Corporate Limits of the Town.
Whereas, The President and Commissioners of Princess Anne, a mu-
nicipal corporation of the State of Maryland, is authorized and empowered
to amend the Municipal Corporation Charter of the Town of Princess
Anne pursuant to the provisions of Article 23A, Section 11, et seq. of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 edition as amended,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Section 244 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Somerset County, 1963 edition (Article
20 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland) titled: "Town Prop-
erty", subtitled "Condemnation", be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with an amendment to read as follows:
"244. Condemnation.
The town shall have the power to condemn property of any kind,
or interest therein or franchise connected therewith, in fee or as an
easement, within OR BEYOND the corporate limits of the town, for any
public purpose. Any activity, project, or improvement authorized by the
provisions of this charter or any other State law applicable to the town
shall be deemed to be a public purpose. The manner of procedure in
case of any condemnation proceeding shall be that established in Article
33A of the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
(1957 Edition, as amended), title "Eminent Domain", and other appli-
cable provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland relating to condem-
nation or eminent domain."