Princess Anne 2365
S 25°45'00" E-631.54 feet; thence
S 65°37'00" E-223.10 feet; thence
S 65°59'00" E - 244.33 feet to the place of beginning, containing 267
acres more or less,
Said area and the persons residing therein are to be subject to all
the laws, ordinances, regulations and charter provisions of the Commission-
ers of Poolesville except that the residents and the property in the area
to be annexed shall not be entitled to the services and facilities of the
Commissioners of Poolesville and/or the Town of Poolesville, except at
the owner(s)' expense unless a further resolution of the Commissioners
of Poolesville, and its successors, decides otherwise.
E.E. Halmos, President
Virginia Maxwell, Town Clerk
February 3, 1969
Somerset County
Charter Amendment No. 1
A Resolution of The President and Commissioners of Princess Anne,
a Municipal Corporation of the State of Maryland, to Repeal and Re-
enact with an Amendment Section 243 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Somerset County, 1963 Edition (Article 20 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland) thereby authorizing the Town of
Princess Anne to Acquire, Hold, and convey property beyond the
Corporate Limits of the Town.
Whereas, The President and Commissioners of Princess Anne, a mu-
nicipal corporation of the State of Maryland, is authorized and empowered
to amend the Municipal Corporation Charter of the Town of Princess
Anne pursuant to the provisions of Article 23A, Section 11, et seq. of
the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 edition as amended,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Section 243 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Somerset County, 1963 edition (Article
20 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland) titled: "Town Prop-
erty", subtitled "Power to Acquire, Hold, Convey", be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted with an amendment to read as follows:
"243. Power to acquire, hold, convey.
The town may acquire real, personal, or mixed property within OR
BEYOND the corporate limits of the town for any public purpose by pur-
chase, gift, bequest, devise, lease, condemnation, or otherwise and may sell,
lease or otherwise dispose of any property belonging to the town. All
municipal property, funds, and franchises of every kind belonging to or
in possession of the town (by whatever prior name known) on May 28,
1958, are vested in the town, subject to the terms and conditions thereof."