Poolesville 2363
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of
Poolesville that the existing boundaries of that municipal corporation
known as "The Commissioners of Poolesville" being the Town of Poolesville,
Maryland, be, and they are hereby extended to include an area as follows:
BEGINNING for the same at a point in the northmost corporate
limit line of the Town of Poolesville the common corner between the lands
of A.C. and J.E. Elgin, Trustees, and the lands of H.J. Barnes as de-
scribed in Liber 2865 at Folio 656, said point being also on the southerly
line of the Thomas Perry Farm (now lands of T.A. O'Neil) thence with
part of the 5th line of the lands of said Elgin as described in liber
514 at Folio 102 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, Mary-
land, S. 51°30' E. along the present corporate limit line of the Town of
Poolesville to the intersection of said line with the line of Dry Seneca
Creek and the center line of Jerusalem Road thence along said road in
a northeasterly direction to the southwesterly corner of a former county
school site now used as a county road depot thence along the southerly
line thereof N. 86°58'30" E. 843.15 feet to a point in the Jonesville
Road the southeast corner of the County Road Depot thence with the
16th, 17th, 18th and part of the 19th line of the Elgin land as de-
scribed in Liber 514 at Folio 102 and partly along the Jonesville Road
S. 06°30' E. 1130.25 feet, S. 72° 00' W. 961.95 feet, S. 25°45' W. 2227.50
feet, thence S. 57°45' W. 808.00 feet or until it intersects the center of
Dry Seneca Creek the present limit line of the Town of Poolesville thence
along the center of said creek the town line to the place of beginning,
containing 97 acres,
Said area and the persons residing therein to be subject to all the
laws, ordinances, regulations and charter provisions of the Commissioners
of Poolesville.
Virginia Maxwell, Town Clerk
E.E. Halmos, President
December 16, 1968
Resolution of February 3, 1969
Whereas, not less than twenty-five (25%) percent of the persons who
are registered voters in county elections have petitioned the Commissioners
of Poolesville to annex the property described below, and,
Whereas, said parcel of land is contiguous to and enjoins the existing
area of Poolesville, and,
Whereas, notice of said annexation has been published in accordance
with Article 23A Section 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and,
Whereas, no referendum was petitioned, and,
Whereas, the below described property is within the maximum ex-
pansion area proposed by the Commissioners of Poolesville for the Town
of Poolesville, and,
Whereas, the annexation of the below described property will add
to the tax base of the Town of Poolesville,