2362 Municipal Charters
I, T. Earl Pierce, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk-
Treasurer of the Mayor and City Council of Ocean City, do hereby certify
that, on the 22nd day of March, 1966, the City Council convened in
regular session.
I do further certify that there were present at said meeting Mayor
Hugh T. Cropper, Jr., and Councilmen D. Pasher Bishop, Talbot E. Bunt-
ing, William H. McCabe, Clifford H. Shuey and Gerald B. Truitt, and that
Councilman McCabe, President of the Council, presided at said meeting.
Councilmen Harry W. Kelley and Daniel Trimper, IV, were absent.
I do further certify that, at this meeting, a resolution was adopted
pursuant to the authority of Sections 13-19 of Article 23A, Annotated
Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition, amending the Municipal Charter by
adding a provision to Section 176(d) providing that all regular Municipal
elections under the provisions of this charter shall be held on the first
Monday in August of every even numbered year at hours to be prescribed
by the Board of Election Supervisors, and by adding to Section 188(q) a
provision that the Town shall have the power to sell any bonds either
at public sale or by private negotiation, as the Council may by ordinance
determine, notwithstanding any limitations contained in Section 34(4) of
Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, (1957 Edition), as
amended; and to eliminate the first nine words of Section 188(p) to permit
tax anticipation borrowing at any time during the fiscal year, was unani-
mously adopted.
I do further certify that no petition for referendum was filed with
regard to said resolution and that, accordingly, no election was held.
I do further certify that the new portions of the charter to be added
have been underscored and that the portions of the existing charter to be
deleted have been placed in double brackets by me.
I do further certify that the attached copies of said resolution, as so
marked by me, are true and complete as shown by the minutes of the
Mayor and City Council of Ocean City.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and the Seal of the
Mayor and City Council of Ocean City, this 12th day of April, 1969.
T. Earl Pierce,
Montgomery County
Resolution of December 16, 1968
Whereas, not less than twenty-five (25%) percent of the persons who
are registered voters in county elections have petitioned the Commissioners
of Poolesville to annex the property described below, and,
Whereas, said parcel of land is contiguous to and enjoins the existing
area of Poolesville, and,
Whereas, notice of said annexation has been published in accordance
with Article 23A Section 19 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and,
Whereas, no referendum was petitioned,