New Carrollton 2349
PASSED this 10th day of March, 1969.
John D. Brody,
President of the City Council
Harold T. Rice, Clerk-Treasurer
APPROVED: This 10th day of March, 1969.
Merrill L. Harrison, Mayor
Prince George's County
Ordinance and Resolution of May 21, 1969
An Ordinance and Resolution to add a new section to the Code of
Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (Everstine's 1953 Edi-
tion), said new section to be known as Section 215M and to follow
immediately after Section 215L of said Code to enlarge and extend
the limits of the Mayor and City Council of New Carrollton, a munic-
ipal corporation, by including therein a part of Prince George's
County adjacent thereto and to provide for a public notice thereof
specifying a time and place at which a public hearing will be held by
the Mayor and City Council of New Carrollton on this Ordinance and
Whereas, the Mayor and City Council of New Carrollton, a municipal
corporation of the State of Maryland, has determined to enlarge and
extend the limits of the City of New Carrollton by including therein a
part of Prince George's County adjacent thereto in accordance with the
procedure as set forth in Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (1957 Edition, as amended), said Article being titled "Cor-
porations—Municipal", Section 19 being a subheading, "Annexation", and
Whereas, the Mayor and City Council of New Carrollton have obtained
a statement of Consent authorizing the Mayor and City Council of New
Carrollton to proceed to enlarge and extend the limits of the City of New
Carrollton to include certain parcels of the hereinafter described area of
which parcels those persons who signed such statement are owners and to
make applicable to that area all Laws of the State of Maryland applicable
to the City of New Carrollton and all existing ordinances of the City of
New Carrollton which are now in force or may hereafter be enacted, and
Whereas, as a result of the Mayor and City Council of New Carroll-
ton having received the statement of consent hereinbefore referred to,
the Mayor has ascertained that the persons signing the statement are own-
ers of part of the real property located in the area proposed to be annexed
and that there are fewer than twenty (20) persons living in the area
proposed to be annexed who are eligible to sign such statement and to
participate in a referendum election if necessary under the provisions of
Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957
Edition, as amended).
TON, in regular session assembled, that a new section be, and it is hereby
added to the Code of Public Local Laws of Prince George's County (Ever-
stine's 1953 Edition), said new section to be known as Section 215M and
to follow immediately after Section 215L and to read as follows: