2118 Joint Resolutions
State employees with a view toward revising this policy to provide
incentives to State employees to use their sick leave benefits ju-
diciously and to reward those who do; and be it further
Resolved, That this commission shall report its recommendations
to the General Assembly no later than January 1, 1971; and be it
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Governor
Approved April 22, 1970.
No. 58
(House Joint Resolution 102)
House Joint Resolution requesting appointment of a committee THE
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL to study and report on THE FEASI-
BILITY AND methods to transfer financial responsibility for the
State Judiciary and Ancillary functions from local government to
the State of Maryland.
Whereas, The problems of present-day society have resulted in
large increases in the workload of the Circuit Courts of the State of
Maryland and there is an unprecedented critical need for timely,
efficient and equitable operation of our Court System; and
Whereas, The same needs exist with respect to the State's Attor-
neys Offices and the Sheriff's Offices of the counties of Maryland and
of Baltimore City because their workload and procedures are so in-
timately related to the workload and procedures of the Courts; and
Whereas, The Judicial process in Maryland is a State process
with the Judges of the Circuit Courts being elected State officials
administering the laws of the State as enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland and with the State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
also being elected State officials conducting their functions as de-
termined by the laws of Maryland; and
Whereas, The counties of Maryland and Baltimore City have the
major financial responsibility for the State Court system but varia-
tions in local resources and needs have contributed to varying levels
of support for the Judicial function in the various sections of the
State and the local financial support has created an inequality in the
court processes as well as inequality of financial burden; and
Whereas, It is generally recognized that a uniform system of
Justice throughout the State cannot be achieved under present finan-
cial and administrative relationships and that the present role of
the political subdivisions in financing the Courts, State's Attorneys
and Sheriff's offices is not logical and should not be expected to ex-
pand; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Gover-
nor of Maryland be and he is hereby requested to appoint a Commis-
sion consisting of representatives of the Bench, the Bar, State's At-
torneys Association, Sheriff's Association, local and State govern-