Marvin Mandel, Governor 2051
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 119 through 149D, inclusive, of Article 43 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1965 Replacement Vol-
ume and 1969 Supplement), title "Health," subtitle "Practitioners of
Medicine," be and they are hereby repealed and that new Sections 119
through 136A, inclusive, be and they are hereby enacted in lieu there-
of, to stand in the place of the sections repealed, and that Sections
149E through 149G of the same article, and title, subtitle , SUB-
HEADING "Abortion," be and they are hereby renumbered as Sec-
tions 137 through 139, and that Sections 149H through 149S of the
same article and title, subtitle "Anatomical Gift Act," be and they are
hereby renumbered as Sections 140 through 151 of this article, all
to read as follows:
119. Definitions.
(a) As used in this subtitle the following terms have the mean-
ings indicated in this section unless the context in which a term is
used indicates a contrary meaning.
(b) "Board" or "Board of Medical Examiners" means the Mary-
land State Board of Medical Examiners.
(c) "Commission" means the Commission on Medical Discipline
of Maryland.
(d) "Faculty" means the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of
the State of Maryland.
(e) "Physician" means any person, including Doctors of Oste-
opathy, licensed to practice medicine in the State of Maryland in
compliance with the provisions of this subtitle.
(f) "Practice of Medicine" means the exercise, whether for com-
pensation or gratuitously, of the art and science of medical diag-
nosis, healing, or surgery and includes:
(1) Operating on, professing to heal, prescribing for or other-
wise diagnosing or treating any physical, mental or emotional ail-
ment or supposed ailment of another.
(2) Undertaking by appliance, test, operation, or treatment to
diagnose, prevent, cure, heal, prescribe for, or treat any bodily,
mental or emotional ailment or supposed ailment of another.
(3) Undertaking to treat, heal, cure or remove any physical,
emotional or mental ailment or supposed ailment of another by
mental, emotional or other process exercised or invoked on the part
of either the physician, the patient, or both.
(g) "Practice of Medicine" does not include:
(1) Administering anesthesia by a dentist, if that dentist does
not engage in such administration as a medical specialty.
(2) Practicing anesthesiology or giving anesthesia for medical
purposes by a dental surgeon who has regularly administered
anesthesia in hospitals in this State for a period of not less than
fifteen years prior to June 1, 1962.