Marvin Mandel, Governor 2045
prehensive program of recreation which may include the operation
and direction of games, sports, arts and crafts, hobby shops, music,
drama, dancing, nursery play, and such other physical, social,
mental and creative opportunities for leisure-time participation as the
Board shall deem advisable to offer in major recreation centers,
playfields, athletic fields, playgrounds, tennis courts, baseball dia-
monds, swimming pools, golf courses, community centers and social
centers in publicly or privately owned lands and buildings or other
facilities made available for such purposes, or over which the Board
has sole or joint jurisdiction; or on or in any land or buildings or
other facilities of any municipality or political subdivision within
the county if it is requested of the Board by said municipality or
political subdivision. The Board is authorized to negotiate by con-
tract with recreation or sports groups or associations to incorporate
the activities of said groups or associations into the programs estab-
lished by the Board under this Section.
(c) Personnel.
The Board shall designate a director to coordinate its program of
recreation for Prince George's County with the Commission's Park
functions. The Board shall employ such full and part time person-
nel as may be necessary to carry out the functions and programs
provided herein. Full time personnel shall be employed according
to and shall be placed under the provisions of the Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission's merit system as provided
in Chapter 780 of the Laws of 1959, as amended or recodified.
Part time or temporary personnel may be appointed by the Board
for such a period of time and at such a salary as the Board may de-
termine. The services of volunteer workers without compensation
may also be accepted by the Board. All personnel employed by the
Recreation Department on the effective date of this act who are
under the provisions of the Prince George's County merit system,
shall be employed by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Plan-
ning Commission in such capacity as will further the functions and
programs provided herein, in each position classification as the
Board may establish, and at a pay grade not less than that oc-
cupied in the Prince George's County merit system. Employees
transferring to the Maryland National Capital Park and Plan-
ning Commission pursuant to this Section shall be given credit
for sick and annual leave purposes for service under the Prince
George's County merit system and for any other benefits, privileges
and rights accrued while employed by Prince George's County.
(d) Cooperation with other agencies.
The Board in the planning, development and conduct of its pro-
gram of recreation and in scheduling the use of publicly owned
lands or buildings for the conduct of its program, shall cooperate
to the fullest extent possible with all other duly recognized and gen-
erally accepted agencies, groups and organizations who may desire
to use the said lands or buildings. The Board is authorized to accept
grants and gifts from governmental or private sources to be used
in furtherance of the functions and programs provided herein.
(e) Rules and regulations.
The Board is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regula-
tions as it may deem necessary for the conduct of the programs
as authorized and prescribed for it under this subtitle.