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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2016   View pdf image
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2016                             Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 720

[Provided, further, that the number of licenses which shall be
permitted to have any off-sale privileges referred to herein shall be
limited to those licenses having been granted such permission by the
board of license commissioners prior to May 28, 1969. Those licenses
having such off-sale privilege on or before May 28, 1969, may be
transferred once with such off-sale privilege attached thereto; there-
after, upon a second transfer, the off-sale privilege attaching to said
license shall cease. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the
transfer of such license without said off-sale privilege. Nothing
herein shall be construed to limit the transfer of location of the
licensed premise. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit sale of
alcoholic beverages for consumption off of the licensed premise from
the main bar and within the main portion of the dining room facili-
ties.] Provided, further, that the number of licenses which shall be
permitted to have any off-sale privileges referred to herein shall be
limited to those licenses having such permit and facilities at the time
of the effective date of this Act.

For the purpose of this subsection a restaurant shall be denned as
any establishment located in a permanent building with ample space
and accommodations commonly known as a restaurant wherein hot
meals are habitually prepared, sold and served to the public during
the hours it is regularly [opened] open for business.

It shall have at least the minimum sanitary facilities required for
such an establishment by the regulations of the county health de-
partment and shall meet the minimum health requirements of such
rules and regulations. It shall have a dining area or areas with suf-
ficient tables, chairs and/or booths to comfortably seat and accom-
modate patrons.

The establishment shall be equipped with a kitchen having com-
plete facilities and utensils for preparing hot and cold meals to the

There shall be employed a sufficient number of cooks, waiters
and/or waitresses to serve the number of patrons provided for in
the dining area or areas.

Each restaurant shall maintain and display a menu advertising
the serving of a variety of hot meals. There shall be on the premises
at all times sufficient food to fill orders made from said menu.

Any interruption of restaurant facilities for any reason whatso-
ever must be reported to the board promptly.

No drug, candy or confectionery store shall be construed to be a

On and after May 1, 1966, no new application for a beer, wine and
liquor license, Class B shall be granted by the board, and no transfer
from one location to another location by the same license holder, and
no transfer from one license holder to another at the same location,
or from one license holder to another at a different location, shall be
approved unless the establishment where it is proposed to locate or
transfer the license shall meet the standards contained herein. As
of May 1, 1966, a license holder who was granted and held his license
prior to June 1, 1965, shall be granted by the board an additional
period of two years, expiring as of May 1, 1968, during which to
meet the standards contained herein; and during that two-year


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 2016   View pdf image
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