Marvin Mandel, Governor 2015
A.M. to 12 o'clock midnight. Provided that in Baltimore City, in
Prince George's County and in Baltimore County the hours shall be
from 6 o'clock A.M. to 2 o'clock A.M. on the day following, except in
Montgomery County there shall be no sale before 11 o'clock A.M.
(d) The hours during which the privileges conferred by a Class
D beer and light wine license may be exercised shall be from 6 o'clock
A.M. to 12 o'clock midnight. Provided that in Baltimore City and
Baltimore County the hours shall be from 6 o'clock A.M. to 1 o'clock
A.M. on the day following, except in Montgomery County there shall
be no sale before 9 o'clock A.M. and in Prince George's County the
hours shall be from 6 o'clock A.M. to 2 o'clock A.M. on the day fol-
(a) The hours during which the privileges conferred by a Class
A beer, wine and liquor license may be exercised shall be from 6
o'clock A.M. to 12 o'clock midnight, on every day except Sunday.
Provided, that (1) in Annapolis the hours may be fixed by the mayor,
counsellor and aldermen of the City of Annapolis, (2) in Talbot
County the hours shall be from 8 o'clock A.M. to 12 o'clock midnight,
[and] (3) in St. Mary's County holders of a Class A-1 license shall
be entitled to sell on Sunday, and (4) in Prince George's County the
hours shall be from 6 o'clock A.M. to 2 o'clock A.M. on the day
following except on Sunday when no sales shall be permitted after
2 o'clock A.M.
(i) In Prince George's County (1) the annual fee for such a
license shall be nine hundred and forty ($940) dollars but the license
holder shall not make any sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption
off the licensed premises except from the main bar and within the
main portion of the dining room facilities; whenever the applicant
for or holder of a beer, wine and liquor license, Class B (on sale)
proposes to establish and conduct, or in fact establishes and conducts,
on the licensed premises, an area or portion of said licensed premises,
wherein there are maintained "off sale" shelves or counters not con-
tained within and an integral part of the main bar and in the main
dining facilities where the majority of the meals are served and
consumed in the licensed premises (whether enclosed or opened, par-
titioned or otherwise partly separated from the main bar or the
usual serving area within such premises for the sale of alcoholic
beverages for consumption on the premises and not part of the prem-
ises where the major portion of meals are served and consumed in
such licensed premises) for the sale of alcoholic beverages for con-
sumption off the licensed premises, the annual fee for such a license
shall be one thousand five hundred ($1,500) dollars; and a license
holder under this subsection shall not sell alcoholic beverages for
consumption off the premises from any portion of said premises
other than from the main bar, or the usual place maintained therein
for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and
where the major portion of the meals are consumed in said premises,
unless such annual license fee of one thousand five hundred ($1,500)
dollars shall have been paid.