2006 Laws of Maryland Ch. 715
quired in connection therewith by each of the counties in this State,
and by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore upon the following
terms and conditions:
(a) Whenever any one or more counties or Baltimore City desires
to participate in the financial assistance which is provided for under
the terms and conditions of this Act, the county commissioners,
county council, or the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, thereof
shall file a petition with the State Board for Community Colleges,
with such information as the State Board for Community Colleges
shall require, together with complete plans for each project for which
financial assistance is desired.
(b) Upon receipt of the petition, the State Board for Community
Colleges shall make a written finding of fact addressed to the Board
of Public Works, in the form of a recommendation to that Board
advising it which of the requests for financial assistance made by
any of the counties or by the City of Baltimore, should be allowed
and which should be denied. In making the finding of fact, the State
Board for Community Colleges, at the request of the Board of Public
Works, will determine a priority of need for public junior or com-
munity colleges as between any one or more counties in the State and
the City of Baltimore. No grant of financial assistance is WILL BE
allowed until such grant has been finally ratified and approved by the
Board of Public Works, which certifies WILL CERTIFY the alloca-
tion of State funds to the State Treasurer and the State Comptroller
who will issue his warrant on the Treasurer of the State to make
available SUCH FUNDS to the county or city when needed for con-
struction of the project. The decision of the Board of Public Works
in this regard is WILL BE made in such form as the Board deems
advisable and proper and it is final and conclusive upon all parties
(c) The amount of financial assistance granted to any one or
more counties or to the City of Baltimore under the terms and
conditions of this Act for any public junior or community college
project shall be an amount determined either by multiplying the
total construction costs, including site acquisition, by the percentage
as fixed in Section 221(2) in 129(2) OF Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, (1957 Edition as amended from time to time)
TO TIME, or by an amount not to exceed one-half of the total con-
struction costs including site acquisition, whichever is the greater
amount, subject to the limitation that where these total costs of con-
struction and/or site acquisition exceed $6,000.00 times the proposed
capacity of the college in number of students, the State shall not share
in that portion of these costs which are in excess of $6,000.00 times
the proposed capacity.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That until all of the interest
on and principal of any certificates issued under this Act have been
paid in full, there is hereby levied and imposed an annual State tax
on each $100 of assessable property at the rate to be determined in
the following manner: on or before May 1, 1971, and on or before
May 1, in each taxable year thereafter, the Board of Public Works
shall certify to the governing bodies of each of the counties and
Baltimore City the rate of State tax on each $100 of assessable
property necessary to produce revenue to meet interest and prin-