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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1542   View pdf image
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1542                             Laws of Maryland                       Ch. 534

(f) When operated on highways 4 or more traffic lanes in width
or when in transit by the most direct route between the highways
and a truck terminal of origin or destination which is not located on
the highway, the combination of a truck-tractor, semi-trailer and
trailer including the load thereon may have a length not to exceed
65 feet. In such a combination of vehicles, a semi-trailer equipped
with an auxiliary dolly shall be considered a trailer.

§ 14-105. Limits on front and rear extensions of load.

Subject to the foregoing provisions of this subtitle limiting the
length of vehicles and loads, the load upon any vehicle operated
alone or the load upon the front vehicle of a combination of vehicles
shall not extend more than 3 feet beyond the foremost part of the
vehicle, and the load upon any vehicle operated alone or the load upon
the rear vehicle of a combination of vehicles shall not extend more
than 6 feet beyond the rear of the bed or body of such vehicle.

§ 14-106. Loads on vehicles.

(a)    No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless
the vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from
dropping, sifting, leaking, or otherwise escaping therefrom, except
that sand may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or
water or other substance may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning
or maintaining the roadway.

(b)    No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle with
any load unless the load and any covering thereon is securely fast-
ened to prevent the covering or load from becoming loose, detached,
or in any manner a hazard to other users of the highway. Further-
more, the owner of a vehicle which has caused dirt or debris to be
deposited on the street shall be responsible for removing the same
within a reasonable period.

(c)    No vehicle used for the transportation of logs, poles, un-
finished or unfabricated lumber, pipe, steel, or other materials of
like kind, size, shape, or characteristic shall be operated on any high-
way unless the load thereof is entirely enclosed within the sides and
ends of the body of the vehicle or is securely fastened to the vehicle
at both the front and the rear by two separate common coil B.B.
chains, the links of which shall not be less than ⅜th inch in diameter
for loads of three tons or less. All loads in excess of three tons shall
be secured in like manner by chains as provided herein, the links of
which shall not be less than ½ inch in diameter. Wire rope not less
than 5/16th of an inch in diameter may be used in lieu of the chains.
The chains and wire rope shall bind both the vehicle and the load

securely, shall be fastened with a load binder of standard make, and
the chains shall not be repaired or replaced by any links or material
other than the size, strength, and material specified herein.

(d)    If this section is violated by an occupant of a vehicle which
has two or more occupants and it cannot be determined which occu-
pant is the violator, the owner of the vehicle, if present, shall be pre-
sumed to be responsible for the violation; in the absence of the owner
of the vehicle, the operator of the vehicle shall be presumed to be
responsible for the violation.


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1542   View pdf image
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