Marvin Mandel, Governor 1437
(h) "Uninsured motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as to
which there is not in force a liability policy meeting the requirements
of Section 7-204. and which is not owned by a holder of a certificate
of self-insurance issued under Section 7-503; and a motor vehicle as
to which there is in force a liability policy meeting the requirements
of Section 7-204 where a receiver or conservator has been appointed
by a court of competent jurisdiction for the insurance company is-
suing said liability policy. The provisions of this section shall not be
construed to contravene in any way the provisions of Section 7-
(i) "Person" includes natural persons, firms, copartnerships,
associations, corporations, and governmental bodies.
(j) "Insurer" means any insurer authorized in this State to
write automobile liability insurance.
(k) "Net direct written premiums" means direct gross pre-
miums written on policies insuring against legal liability for bodily
injury or death and for damage to property arising out of the owner-
ship, operation or maintenance of motor vehicles which are princi-
pally garaged in this State, less return premiums thereon.
(l) "Registration license year" for Class A and D vehicles means
the period beginning April 1, 1958, and ending March 31, 1959, and
each subsequent twelve month period, beginning April 1 and end-
ing the following March 31. For all other classes of motor vehicles,
"registration license year" means the period beginning May 1, 1958,
and ending April 30, 1959, and each subsequent twelve month period,
beginning May 1, and ending the following April 30.
§ 7-603. Creation and maintenance of fund.
For the purpose of creating and maintaining the fund—
(1) Every person registering an uninsured motor vehicle in this
State for a registration license year shall pay at the time of regis-
tering it, in addition to any other fee prescribed by any other law,
a fee of eight ($8.00) dollars;
(2) Every person registering any other motor vehicle in this
State for a registration license year shall pay at the time of regis-
tering it, in addition to any other fee prescribed by any other law,
a fee of one ($1.00) dollar. If the motor vehicle becomes an un-
insured motor vehicle at any time during this period the person shall
immediately notify the Commissioner thereof, and shall pay the dif-
ference between the fee prescribed in this subsection and the fee
prescribed in paragraph (1) or return his registration certificate
and plates;
(3) On or before March 31, in each year, each insurer shall pay
to the Treasurer a sum equal to ½ of 1% of its net direct written
premiums for the previous calendar year as shown in its annual
statement filed with the Commissioner of Insurance;
(4) On or before December 30 in each year, and in the case of
the assessment against insurers provided for in sub-paragraph (i)
below, at such time or times during the year as is necessary to insure
the solvency of the fund, the Unsatisfied Claim and Judgment Fund
Board shall calculate the probable amount which will be needed to