Marvin Mandel, Governor 1397
(d) In case the applicant cannot obtain 20/40 vision in each
eye, but obtains 20/70 in one eye and not less than 20/140 in the other,
a license restricting holder to "daylight driving only" may be issued
and shall be so endorsed.
(e) If the applicant is totally blind in either eye and vision in
seeing eye is 20/40 or better with or without glasses or contact
lenses, the license shall bear this restriction: "Any motor vehicle
which the applicant drives shall have a properly placed rear
view mirror and an outside, side view mirror on each side of the
vehicle." With vision in seeing eye of 20/70 or better with or without
glasses or contact lenses, license shall bear this additional restriction:
"daylight driving only."
(f) License cannot be issued to persons with vision in one eye
only unless such condition has existed for a period of not less than
90 days prior to date of application.
(g) Failure to meet the above requirements precludes the is-
suance of any driving license.
§ 6-110.2. Department to obtain names of persons receiving public
assistance for blindness.
The department at regular intervals shall request the State Depart-
ment of Social Services for the name of each person receiving public
assistance for blindness, and the Department of Social Services shall
furnish these names promptly. The Department upon receipt of such
information and as soon as practicable shall arrange for a re-examin-
ation of each such person who holds a driver's license, and if the per-
son examined fails to meet the vision requirements of section
6-110.1, the department shall cancel any driver's license held by such
person. Information obtained by the department from the Depart-
ment of Social Services under the provisions of the preceding sen-
tence is not a matter of public record, and use of any list or names
obtained through such access to the records for commercial or poli-
tical purposes is prohibited.
§ 6-111. Issuance of license.
(a) Upon surrendering the instruction and examination license
and undergoing a satisfactory examination as to his/her qualifica-
tions, such person shall be entitled to receive the license applied for
upon the payment of the fees provided for in Section 6-111.1.
(b) A number shall be assigned to each license, and a proper
record of all applications for licenses and for all licenses issued shall
be kept by the Department, and shall be open to public inspection.
(c) Each license shall state the full name, residence address, race,
sex, height, weight, and date of birth of the licensee and shall author-
ize the licensee to operate any motor vehicle of the class (es) specified
(d) Only one current Maryland driver's license shall be issued to
and held by a person at any particular time. The Department may
require the surrender to it of all out-of state drivers' licenses issued
to the applicant prior to issuing a Maryland driver's license.