Marvin Mandel, Governor 1357
(d) If a Class E vehicle is a single unit truck, with a chassis
weight in excess of 2,500 pounds, equipped to perform the function
of a tow truck and is used exclusively for towing vehicles for the pur-
pose of repair, storage, or removal of abandoned vehicles from the
public highways, it shall pay a registration fee based on a maximum
gross weight of 17,000 pounds, as set forth in subsection (a) of this
section, regardless of the shipping weight of the chassis and battery
as certified by the manufacturer, provided such shipping weight of
the chassis and battery as certified by the manufacturer is in excess
of 2,500 pounds.
(e) If a Class E vehicle is a single unit truck owned by a farmer
and qualified as a farm truck, as those terms are defined herein-
below, it shall pay a registration fee based upon gross shipping
weight of the chassis and battery as certified by the manufacturer,
with gross weight limitations for the vehicle and load, as follows:
Chassis Weight
Maximum Gross
in Pounds
Weight Limit
over ¾ ton and up to
2,501 to 4,200
4,201 to 5,000
5,001 and over
The privilege of registering as a farm truck shall be available only to
Class E motor vehicles within a chassis weight of more than ¾ ton,
as enumerated hereinabove. Except as particularly provided other-
wise, the provisions of law as to Class E, pneumatic tire motor vehi-
cles in general shall apply also to Class E, pneumatic tire farm
trucks. The term "farmer" as used in this subsection means any
person or corporation engaged in raising, growing, and producing
farm products on a farm of not less than three acres in area, and pro-
vided that the term "farmer" as used herein shall include any person
or corporation engaged in the rearing and management of at least
25 hives of bees for the pollination of orchards and farm crops and
for the commercial production of honey, whether or not located on a
farm of not less than three acres. "Farm products" include food for
consumption by humans or livestock, tobacco, shrubbery, flowers
and plants, seed, livestock and livestock products, poultry and poultry
products, products of the farm wood lot, and fibers. To be eligible for
a farm truck license, the truck must be owned by a farmer and must
be used solely in the business of the farm and farm home, in hauling
farm products and the labor, the supplies, the equipment and other
material necessary to the operation of the farm and the farm home.
A farm truck shall not be used for hire, nor shall it be used by the
owner in any business other than his farm operations as defined
(f) Any farmer applying for farm truck registration shall make
affidavit as to his status and as to the proposed use of the motor
vehicle, in a form required by the department. Procurement of a
farm truck license through misrepresentation, false pretenses, or
fraud shall be a misdemeanor, and upon conviction any person guilty
thereof shall be subject to a fine of $50.00. The use of a farm
truck in a manner other than as provided in this subsection shall be
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction any person guilty thereof shall
be subject to a fine of $10.00. Upon the second or any subsequent