Marvin Mandel, Governor 127
General Assembly to the presiding officer of each house on the first
day of session.
In purchasing materials, supplies and equipment for the using
authorities, the Secretary of General Services shall give a preference
to products manufactured or produced in Maryland, except when
in the judgment of the Secretary such purchases would operate to the
disadvantage of the State.
The Secretary of General Services shall prepare such reports and
make such studies and perform such other duties as the Governor
may direct, and shall furnish to the using authorities copies of
awards for any and all materials, supplies and equipment requisi-
tioned by them.
The Secretary of General Services shall formulate and prescribe
standards for maintaining stores and inventory control for all
materials, supplies and equipment required by the using authorities
of the State, and each using authority shall keep on file in the office
of the Secretary of General Services an inventory of all the materials,
supplies and equipment in its possession as shall be designated by
the Secretary, and such inventory shall be submitted at least once
annually and shall be subject to an audit.
A department, board, commission, office, court,, bureau, or other
agency of the State government which receives more than one half
of its regular annual operating expenses from a political subdivi-
sion of this State is not a "using authority" within the meaning of
Sections 23IF through 23IK of this Article, and the Department of
General Services and the Purchasing Bureau are not required to
make any purchases for or take any part in the purchasing program
of any such department, board, commission, office, court, bureau,
or other agency. As to any such department, board, commission,
office, court, bureau, or other agency, the political subdivision from
which it receives more than one half of its regular annual operating
expenses shall HEREAFTER have the responsibility for operating
the purchasing program AND ALL OTHER BUDGET AND FISCAL
MATTERS, and any such department, board, commission, office,
bureau or other agency shall be subject to the BUDGET AND FIS-
CAL PROCEDURES AND THE purchasing laws and regulations
of such political subdivision and shall in like manner be subject to the
budget and fiscal procedures of such political subdivision NOW OR
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33 and 34 of Article 15A of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition, 1968 Replacement Volume and 1969 Supplement),
title "Budget and Fiscal Planning," subtitles "Purchasing Bureau"
and "Purchases," be and they are hereby repealed in their entirety,
and that Sections 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of Article 91 of the