Marvin Mandel, Governor 1245
facilities or for the acquisition by a municipality of property or
property rights or for the furnishing of property or services in con-
nection with a community development; and (e) expending any
funds of the Administration with FOR any undertaking which has
been approved by the Secretary of Economic and Community Devel-
(7) In exercising its functions and responsibilities, the Depart-
ment ADMINISTRATION shall not have or exercise the power of
eminent domain unless granted to it by a specific law of this state or
by ordinance of a municipality or county in connection with a specific
community development project situated therein.
(8) Provide advisory, consultative, training and educational serv-
ices, technical assistance, and grant and loan funds therefor and for
any development cost to any municipality, county, local public
agency or local development corporation in order to carry out the
community development purposes of this Act.
(9) Contract for and accept any grant, contribution or loan of
funds, property or other aid in any form for community develop-
ment from the federal government and, subject to the provisions
of this Act, do all things necessary to qualify for any such grant,
contribution or loan under any federal program including, but not
fully enumerative of, those things necessary to qualify for assist-
ance as a local public agency or a public housing agency, or both,
under the federal housing and renewal programs in effect from
time to time.
(10) Contract for and accept any gift, grant, contribution or
loan of funds, property or other aid in any form for community
development from any agency or instrumentality of the State, or
from any other source and comply, subject to the provisions of this
Act, with the terms and conditions thereof.
(11) Attach such specific terms and conditions to any sale or
lease of property and loan or grant of funds as may be determined by
the Director and approved by the Secretary of Economic and Com-
munity Development.
(12) Enter into agreements to pay annual sums in lieu of assess-
ments, charges or property taxes to any municipality, county or
other subdivision of the State in respect to any real property which
is owned by the Department ADMINISTRATION and located in such
municipality, county or subdivision.
(13) In accordance with the provisions of Section 266DD-5, make
mortgage loans for any community development project, secured by
a mortgage lien, including temporary loans or advances, and under-
take commitments therefor. Any such commitment, mortgage or
bonds or notes secured thereby may contain such SHALL CONTAIN
terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act as the Department ADMINISTRATION may deem necessary
or desirable to secure repayment of its loan, the interest thereon
and other charges in connection therewith; provided, however,
that mortgage loans to any municipality, county, local public
agency or local development corporation may bear such interest
below the market rate as may be determined by the Admin-
istration to make economically feasible such community develop-