Marvin Mandel, Governor 1221
procedures as provided in the Administrative Procedure Act, Section
244 et seq. of this Article, and shall in all other respects be governed
by the provisions of said Act. At least three members shall sit at any
hearing of the Board, constituted as a Board of Appeal. Decisions
shall be by a majority of the Board sitting. The Board's decision
shall be in writing, stating its reasons. Minutes of its proceedings
shall be kept. The Chairman, or acting Chairman, shall have the
power to administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.
The decision of the Board shall be the final agency decision for pur-
poses of judicial review under Section 255 of this Article or for pur-
poses of any other provisions of law permitting appeals to the courts
from decisions of agencies included within the Department of Eco-
nomic and Community Development. Appeals from decisions of the
Board shall be as prescribed in the Administrative Procedure Act
or by the substantive law applying to the commission, department,
board or other instrumentality whose decision is being appealed.
In addition to such advisory boards as are or may be established
by law, the Secretary of Economic and Community Development
may, with the approval of the Governor, create such advisory boards
of such size as he deems appropriate or utilize as an advisory board
any existing commission established by executive order.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 285 258-266 of Article 41 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1965 Replacement Volume, 1969
SUPPLEMENT), title "Governor—Executive and Administrative
Departments," subtitle "Department of Economic Development,"
subheading "In General," be and the same are hereby repealed and
reenacted, with amendments, to be under the same title but to be
under the new subtitle "Department of Economic and Community
Development," and to be under the new subheading "Division of
Economic Development" and to read as follows:
(a) The Division of Economic Development is established and
continued as the same Department of Economic Development hither-
to existing. The Division of Economic Development shall be part
of the Department of Economic and Community Development. The
Division shall have the powers, duties, responsibilities and func-
tions provided in the laws of this State for the Department of Eco-
nomic Development. All references in this Code, in any other laws of
this State, or in ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, legal ac-
tions, directives, or documents DOCUMENTS to the Department of
Economic Development, shall be deemed to mean the Division of
Economic Development. From and after September 1, 1970, all
rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions heretofore conferred
upon or exercised by the Department of Economic Development shall
be transferred to and be exercised by the Division of Economic Devel-
opment, subject to the authority of the Secretary of Economic and
Community Development and Correctional Services as set forth in
this Code. The Division of Economic Development of the Department
of Economic and Community Development shall have the general pur-
pose of advancing the economic welfare of the people through pro-
285 258.