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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 121   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         121

to the Department of General Services; and to provide that the
following boards, commissions, bureaus, offices and agencies be
included within the Department of General Services: the duties
and functions previously performed by the Department of Public
Improvements, the Board of Architectural Review, the Office of
the Superintendent of Annapolis Public Buildings and Grounds,
the Office of the Superintendent of Baltimore Public Buildings
and Grounds, the Hall of Records Commission, the War Memorial
Commission, the Washington Cemetery Board of Trustees, THE
reau and such other agencies, commissions, boards, committees,
councils or units of government as may be declared to be a part
of the Department of General Services; to provide that said
Department of General Services shall not have a Board of Review;
to provide that the Secretary of General Services be respon-
sible for the budget of his office as well as the boards, offices
and agencies within the jurisdiction of his Department; to provide
that the Secretary of General Services be responsible for promul-
gating rules and regulations for his office, and to permit the
Secretary of General Services to create advisory boards; to
provide that the Secretary of General Services be respon-
sible for planning activities of the Department of General
Services; to provide that the Secretary of General Services
have a seal for purposes of his office; to provide for the
abolition of the Department of Public Improvements and the
transfer of all rights, powers, duties, obligations, EM-
PLOYEES, and functions of said Department of Public Improve-
ments to the Department of General Services and the Secretary of
General Services; to provide that the Bureau of Control Surveys
and Maps and the Advisory Board of the Bureau of Control Sur-
veys and Maps be abolished and all functions of the Bureau and
Advisory Board to be performed by the Secretary of General
Services or such other agency as may be designated by the Gover-
nor; to include in the Department of General Services the Pur-
chasing Bureau which was formerly part of the Department of
Budget and Procurement and also previously under the jurisdic-
tion of the Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning and providing
for the transfer of the former Department of Budget and Pro-
curement PURCHASING BUREAU, together with all its em-
ployees, funds, equipment, papers, forms and other personal prop-
erty to the Department of General Services, and to provide that the
Secretary of General Services exercise all the powers, duties and
functions previously exercised by the Director of Budget and Pro-
curement in connection with the Purchasing Bureau and as suc-
cessor to the Central Purchasing Bureau and Purchasing Agent;
and to provide that all boards, commissions, departments, bureaus,
divisions, institutions, and agencies of this State purchase all ma-
terials, supplies and equipment through or with the approval of the
Secretary of General Services in accordance with rules and regula-
tions prescribed by said Secretary as well as all contracts for print-
ing for the State or for any Using Authority of the State including
the General Assembly of Maryland, with certain exceptions, to be
made through or with the approval of the Secretary of General
Services; to provide that the Secretary of General Services for-
mulate and prescribe standards for maintaining stores and inven-
tory control of all materials, supplies and equipment required by
Using Authorities of the State, and to define "Using Authorities";


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 121   View pdf image
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