Marvin Mandel, Governor 1191
(d) Subject to the provisions of Sections 29, 71, 81, and 128 of
this article, all monies received [by the Department] pursuant to
the provisions of this article shall be accounted for and remitted
[by the Department to the State Treasurer who subject to the re-
strictions in subsections (d-2) and (d-3) of this section] to the Comp-
troller, who after first paying, or retaining a sufficient amount there-
of to pay, all refunds of motor vehicle registration fees in this
article, [provided,] all the salaries and expenses of [the Department,]
the traffic court of Baltimore City, [the Maryland Traffic Safety Com-
mission, the salaries and other expenses of the State Roads Commis-
sion and (without regard to the limitation in subsection (d-2),) the
Department of Maryland State Police in enforcing the provisions of
this article limiting weight, height, width, and length of motor
vehicles, the Department of Maryland State Police and of the State
Police Retirement System of the State of Maryland, the Depart-
ment of Education in administering driver education in the public
schools pursuant to Section 90 (e) of this article, costs in dismissed
cases pursuant to Section 330 of this article] and the cost of paying
the principal and interest on bonds authorized by the General As-
sembly prior to June 1, 1964, to be issued to pay the cost of capital
improvements for the Department of Maryland State Police and the
Department of Motor Vehicles of Maryland [when such capital im-
provements are authorized by the Board of Public Works of Mary-
land, shall hold the balance of said monies in a special fund here-
by created and known as the Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund, said
fund to be thereafter held and distributed in accordance with the
provisions applicable to said fund contained in Article 89B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland] shall credit the balance to the Gasoline
and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account of the Transportation Trust
Fund established under Article 94A.
(d-2) [Eighty percent (80%)] For the fiscal year 1972, fifty
percent (50%) of the salaries and expenses of the [Department of]
Maryland State Police and of the State Police Retirement System
of the State of Maryland (referred to in subsection (d) hereof)
shall be paid from the [funds received by the Department of Mo-
tor Vehicles pursuant to this section] Transportation Trust Fund.
For the fiscal year 1973, twenty-five percent (25%) of the salaries
and expenses of the Maryland State Police and of the said State
Police Retirement System shall be paid from the Transportation
Trust Fund. The remaining [twenty percent (20%)] portion of
the salaries and expenses of the [Department of] Maryland State
Police and of the State Police Retirement System shall be paid from
the general funds of the State. Beginning with the fiscal year 1974,
all of such salaries and expenses shall be paid from the General
Funds of the State.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That Section 20 of Article
78A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1969 Re-
placement Volume), title "Public Works," be and it is hereby re-
pealed and reenacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Wherever used in this subtitle, the term "public improvement"
shall include the construction, maintenance and repair of any and